Hi Pals!!!
Time to answer the thread... at least in public. The fact I haven’t posted this answer before was that I had the chance to discuss it with BoBo, so I considered that the problem was over. In the other hand, I think the rest of the members deserve to know what we have decided…
Well I don’t want to bore you with explanations or excuses, I know that I haven’t made a lot of contributions (new bootlegs) to the hub (only a few) since I am a member, so I understand the fact of being “living on the razors edge”. It’s your decision but I will do whatever it takes to avoid “balancing on a ledge”
As somebody said it gets harder to get new stuff because we have a large collection of bootlegs right now, but don’t hesitate that I will share everything “new” that may end up in my hands. It’s not easy but I will do it.
I also share the things I download, bootlegs that we found in dime, etc… it is not a plus as BoBo said, I agree completely, but at least I consider that a good way to behave. As I also have lots of shows that I got in this hub that I can also share if somebody needs some of them in particular.
The only problem, as you all know, it is that my connection is not good precisely, my upload speed is pretty crappy, but I don’t have any problem in sharing the stuff all the time you need. If you have the patience to download from me, I will be happy to help.
I could also share lossless bootlegs from other bands, but providing this is a Maiden hub, I don’t really know the interest you may show in them. I would do that just to bring new stuff to the hub, even it is not Maiden related… I haven’t done it before, but I would do it if you consider it necessary. Just tell me, please.
But the main thing where I can help, and the thing I will do (as BoBo and me have agreed), is to add information to the MWL database. At the moment I have added info for some “Fear Of The Dark Tour” concerts, but my idea is to keep “feeding the monster” the way it deserves. I think the MWL database is a brilliant idea, and I will help to improve it, also providing it is a good way not to be taken to the Gallows Pole…
And just to finish for today, I can only say I consider the people in this hub as a family, maybe I don’t participate too much in the chat window, but I consider myself as other “Blood Brother”. This hub is a PARADISE for any Maiden fan, and I feel very proud of be part of them… I hope to meet some of you in Earls court this year!
Thanks for all pals, I will do my best to stay here for a long time...
Up the Irons!!!