Dont get it....... theyre rogues :|
I signed up in November for the 2 months for £1 offer........
All fine.
Rang to give my 30 days notice and they offered me 3 months for £5.
My payment for £5 came out in January.........
And a mysterious 58p :|
I know its 58p but I'm a stubborn fucker

and rang to complain.
They said it was an oversite by them and they should have told me :?
They still didnt really explain what it was :x
Anyway if I wanted a refund I had to write to the refund dept :|
My last months payment comes out on the 24th March......
My DD will be cancelled b4 then.......
Then they will ring me and ask why the payment failed LOL
I will give them a payment for £4.42 and they can shove their fukin
channel up their arse.