rockin_plumber said:
I had to turn it off.....
Was laughing too much and kept disturbing little rockin.....
Just my luck that Im copying something in the living room...
so cant use the proper DVD player :x
Is it as funny as the first one?
wicky said:
Is it as funny as the first one?

All I saw was the titles....

And then Party boy was stood behind a wall....
With a hole in the wall...
Then got a little white sock....
With a face drawn on it....
And put his thingy in the sock....
The poked it through the hole in the wall....
:shock: :shock: :shock: A tank of snakes

Now one of the snakes was a bit pissed off about this.....
So bit and wouldnt let go....
So when he retracted out of the hole....
The snake was still attatched.....
And there was blood :shock: :shock: :shock:

I had to turn it off then coz little_rockin was awoken :err:
today I watched:
cinderella man
pride & prejustice
wedding crashers
+ married with children

am I adicted with movies?
Ivan said:
yeah, it's very good
