now thinking

Bockaaarck said:
I'm sure he'll be fine, you know he's a pretty switched on lad in his own way, don't worry too much.

Its good for him and its good for you and Mr_Wicky and Luke.

Jake seems pretty resilient to me :wink:
You're right, I know that really :oops: Just strange, i've not seen him since yesterday morning, and won't see him til 10am tomorrow. I know that when I know he's enjoyed it i'll look forward to the next time LOL
wicky said:
You're right, I know that really :oops: Just strange, i've not seen him since yesterday morning, and won't see him til 10am tomorrow. I know that when I know he's enjoyed it i'll look forward to the next time LOL

That's the way to do0 it, and its so good for him. I remember i used to hate talking to or dealing with anyone. I worked in a restaurant that forced me to communicate and it made such a difference to me, made me so much more confident.

I'm still the same person, its just that i know everyone else is just as nervous as me, so it helps me relax LOL

Makes things a lot easier :)
rockin_plumber said:
.oO(Where did everyone go)

Its very quiet :|

I guess that's because all out members are off doing other interesting stuff, which is a good thing. It shows we've got lives outside of our dear BB friend Maiden - World.

And that's not a bad thing :)