now thinking

wicky said:
So quiet :err:

I've not been here much Coz Lil' Miss, poured Half a pint of blackcurrant juice into my Laptop 'puter, Creating the 'Blue Smoke' that usually denotes that something electrical is buggered. :|
I still have the main 'puter upstairs, (this one), but that means Isolation upstairs on my own, so I rarely use it. The only reason I'm here now is coz I've been compiling the catalogue for this Sunday's car Auction.
Finished it now, 'cept any late entries 8)
Bockaaarck said:
I got a new job :banana: :D :banana: :D :banana: :D

Wooooooooooo :bananarock: :drunk:
Well done! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Have you told the peeps at your other new job yet :? LOL