now thinking

afraidtoshooteddie said:
Never mind.

No . I don't know.

What are you downloading?

An Hour of Victory demo, its taking ages, i think it just does on the old 360 :|

But there we go, i shouldn't complain i guess, at least i have one
Bockaaarck said:
An Hour of Victory demo, its taking ages, i think it just does on the old 360 :|

But there we go, i shouldn't complain i guess, at least i have one

If its the Demo I'm thinking of, .. It's like a poor man's Medal Of Honor.

Word of advice , Set your controls to move quicker than the default setting. :wink:

I finished 'Prey' on the 360 earlier. Wierd game, that one.
afraidtoshooteddie said:
If its the Demo I'm thinking of, .. It's like a poor man's Medal Of Honor.

Word of advice , Set your controls to move quicker than the default setting. :wink:

I finished 'Prey' on the 360 earlier. Wierd game, that one.

I've thought about getting that a couple of times, it looks quite cool :)
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Have you played the downloadable Demo for it?

Its queued up tot download along with the other one i'm donloading at the moment :|

LOL so hopefully i will be able to play it tomorrow, if i'm lucky :)
Bockaaarck said:
Its queued up tot download along with the other one i'm donloading at the moment :|

LOL so hopefully i will be able to play it tomorrow, if i'm lucky :)

LOL A bit optimistic LOL

It's quite cool, but can get a bit funky because down isn't always 'down' in the conventional sense.
However, the Full game does only take a couple of days to complete, if you commit yourself to it, but if you care about your Gamerscore (achievement points) it is quite liberal in dishing them out 8)

Which is nice.

And you start in a Bar that has Judas Priest and Ted Nugent on the Juke box

But I'll shut up now so I don't spoil it too much for you
afraidtoshooteddie said:
LOL A bit optimistic LOL

It's quite cool, but can get a bit funky because down isn't always 'down' in the conventional sense.
However, the Full game does only take a couple of days to complete, if you commit yourself to it, but if you care about your Gamerscore (achievement points) it is quite liberal in dishing them out 8)

Which is nice.

And you start in a Bar that has Judas Priest and Ted Nugent on the Juke box

But I'll shut up now so I don't spoil it too much for you

I think you've almost sold it to me LOL
That Bocky deserves a medal for his reply in an IMOC thread :grouphug:

I've just read the whole thread and 2 people have made me sooooo angry :x :x If I reply now , without thinking about what i'm saying, it will make no sense .

Thanks Bocky :wink:
wicky said:
That Bocky deserves a medal for his reply in an IMOC thread :grouphug:

I've just read the whole thread and 2 people have made me sooooo angry :x :x If I reply now , without thinking about what i'm saying, it will make no sense .

Thanks Bocky :wink:

:grouphug: I think i know what he is trying to say, he just isn't capable of putting it across in a very well thought out way.

I always worry when people express views like that. I can kind of understand their reasoning but, as compassionate human beings i believe we should care for and love the less able members of our society.