now thinking

I have not been modding today.............

I havn't been modding all week actually...............

I can safely say it wasn't me
maybe i insulted somebody with that post
after all
negative aspects of being a cunt lips is a bit of touchy subject and shouldnt be joked around with
Now thinking that the new hauls thread must be the most off topic that i've ever seen any thread get LOL
rockin_plumber said:
:shock: They gonna let you on the fukin road.............

:err: I didn't know you didn't drive.

How did it go :?
They are :D

Well, if I pass :err:

It was my 3rd lesson, went really well :banana:
rockin_plumber said:
Is this ur first attempt at driving then :?
I tried first when I was 17..back in the dark ages :err:

Was doing really well, when my thyroid fuked up again :x

Had to stop because my reactions were really slow, because of thyroid :cry:

By the time they'd got it sorted i'd had the kids and just didn't get round to doing it.

Decided I need some independence going for it :D

I was a total nervous wreck before the 1st lesson :oops: but feeling better about in now :D