now thinking

afraidtoshooteddie said:
.oO( I really should get my Passport Photo taken :roll: Or it will be Sixxy going on Bruce air instead of me :( )
:shock: You still haven't done it :shock: Come on fraidy! Get your arse in gear :wink:
rockin_plumber said:
.oO(2 hours 8 mins till it begins...)

.oO(the rings... the easy bit)

you aren't left rocky :shock:

maybe you put your lighting coat :err:

and you could take a pic :err:

btw good luck and be the best one 8)
afraidtoshooteddie said:
LOL That rules. 8)
What did you talk about? I asked if he could make sure I don't meet any white van men on my next test LOL The answers were hysterical LOL
Frenchy said:
oO (rocky is speeching now :err: LOL )
Hope he does ok :) I HATE speaking in front of people :oops: Think i'd rather do another 3 driving test than stand up in front of 150 pairs of eyes :shock:
wicky said:
Hope he does ok :) I HATE speaking in front of people :oops: Think i'd rather do another 3 driving test than stand up in front of 150 pairs of eyes :shock:

for sure yes LOL LOL

and you can stop for a pee during driving test :D
Frenchy said:
for sure yes LOL LOL

and you can stop for a pee during driving test :D
LMAO LOL LOL That would kill 5 minutes of the test LOL Only 1 drink for me the morning of my test LOL