now thinking

wicker nomad said:
There's been more people here tonight than there has been for bloody ages :banana: and I wasn't :(

:grouphug: Never mind Wicky, i just hope you lot are coping with the heat down where you are :|
life's kinda empty now that i've read the entire sandman serial
what to read next? finish with conan
maybe read watchmen
maybe v for vendetta
there's also death series i want to read
MaidenMadness said:
life's kinda empty now that i've read the entire sandman serial
what to read next? finish with conan
maybe read watchmen
maybe v for vendetta
there's also death series i want to read

V for vendetta is really great :banana: :banana:
Frenchy said:
V for vendetta is really great :banana: :banana:
i started reading that this afternoon ut after sandman man its all hollow
no comic can ever come close to neil gaiman's masterpiece

have you read it?
MaidenMadness said:
i started reading that this afternoon ut after sandman man its all hollow
no comic can ever come close to neil gaiman's masterpiece

have you read it?

yes few days ago. It's really a masterpiece too. The movie is great but the Alan Moore's work is visionnary :shock: . You can translate his story in our days.

Read it quickly, you will enjoy :wink:
Frenchy said:
yes few days ago. It's really a masterpiece too. The movie is great but the Alan Moore's work is visionnary :shock: . You can translate his story in our days.

Read it quickly, you will enjoy :wink:
blah blah blah

Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar.. Ask yourselves, all of you... What power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?

and then all the demons stand aside and let lord morpheus take his leave out of heaven
probably the best scene in the whole series
MaidenMadness said:
blah blah blah

Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar.. Ask yourselves, all of you... What power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?

and then all the demons stand aside and let lord morpheus take his leave out of heaven
probably the best scene in the whole series

ok :err:
Frenchy said:
sandman number 4 a hope in hell
when he descends into hell for his helmet and after he beaten the demon who had it lucifer threatens him that he shall not leave hell cause he has no power in hell.