now thinking

Some kids just asked me if I was a "Goffick" :|

I got them too..

Point out 5 things thats gothic about me :| they didnt get one, apparentley a black t shirt is gothic :roll:

Then I told them to leave, fuck themselves and grow some pubes :x and locked the door so they couldnt get back in :D that felt good 8)

Waiting for their big 7 foot dads to come out and batter me now LOL
Whos this strange fat kid looking at my screen? :err:

He was here this afternoon too :| little fat bastard needs to be set on fire :x
maybe i have been reading too much conan comics lately. i mean 11 comics in 2 days :err:

but still i wish the damn torrent would download already
Frenchy said:
smash him by the back :evil:
there is no honor in smashing somebody from behind
conan the cimerian would never do that
he would take his sword and cut the fiend's throat whilst looking him in the face :x
wicker nomad said:
How am I gonna beat rockins post count with no one to talk to :(

Something tells me that you'll manage just fine :err:

I am now thinking "How come all i need to do when we have to go to a wedding is buy a new tie..... :| "

It was 9pm when when we left the last shop in Bristol. Which is at least an hours drive from where we live. But at leat Miss_Bocky bought dinner, so i can't complain too much :)

I have decided there is definitely something wrong with womens fashion.

1) Its ok if you are 16 years old and you can get in to a size 6 or 8. If you are anything even remotely near a size 12 or over, forget it, they don't make clothes for you.

2)Why is it that womens clothes are designed in such a way that you can have a nice cream or beige suit...........but then there is nothing to go with it "Top-wise". Either a really dull cream top, so that there is no colour. Or a bright fierce red with violet sripes which makes it look like you've been stabbed :| Why are there no nice "mid-range" colours or mixtures of colours. A nice soft orange, with hits of brown or cream. Or a lovely aquamarine with flecks of white or yellow, rather than a radiation bright turquoise......bloody stupid, nothing in between. :|

3)Why do womens fashion retailers think "Mmmm ....that is a lovely skirt and jacket...... what we will do is try an avoid putting any kind of blouse or top which has remotely the same styling in the same shop, let alone aisle so that there is no chance of completing a matching outfit.. :|

It must be a bloody nightmare for you ladies :|

Still, i got a nice new tie though :D
Oh yeah definetley :D

I could go and play now, but truth be told I just cant be bothered LOL I'm quite happy on guitar at the minute, been a long day today :shock: