now thinking

i should have been in berlin tonight :cry:

my father got a ticket from some business partners and he didn't want to go
but instead of giving it to me he gave it to my brother :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

and as if that wasn't enough i was the one that had to drive my brother to the airport yesterday :x :cry:
MaidenMadness said:
i should have been in berlin tonight :cry:

my father got a ticket from some business partners and he didn't want to go
but instead of giving it to me he gave it to my brother :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

and as if that wasn't enough i was the one that had to drive my brother to the airport yesterday :x :cry:

That Sux :|
rockin_plumber said:
That Sux :|
but hey what a couple of days that would have been

sunday - motorhead
monday - meat requirements to enroll in 4th years of collage(out of 4 and half years)
tuesday - croatia - brazil live in berlin

damn what couple of days right?
MaidenMadness said:
but hey what a couple of days that would have been

sunday - motorhead
monday - meat requirements to enroll in 4th years of collage(out of 4 and half years)
tuesday - croatia - brazil live in berlin

damn what couple of days right?
Indeed :wink:
This is fuckin stooopid LOL It's not Amazon or Play They are my usual ones...only other I use is cdwow, and thats not letting me sign in :|
Ben said:
Prehaps you didnt order it and your imagining things :P you checked your emails?
Maybe it's age getting to me :err:

Nah...I know I did order it! Can remember posting on here that I did.....can't be arsed to search through all my posts to find out where from LOL
I accidently deleted all my emails a month or so ago :oops: