now thinking

All Polish people are nuts - fact!

There was some mad russian exchange students in my college, one day this lad I know was winding them up a bit, the russians went back to their place and came back with some knives and chased this lad all around college :shock:
Ben said:
All Polish people are nuts - fact!

There was some mad russian exchange students in my college, one day this lad I know was winding them up a bit, the russians went back to their place and came back with some knives and chased this lad all around college :shock:

I am sure that Russians & Polish aint from the same country :err:
Great :|

Towns gonna be full of over patriotic wankers ready to beat on anyones bones if England lose today :|

Think I'll give town a miss today :|
Them hippies next door need to turn down their music, I would go and play the drums, but the rooms soundproofed so it wouldnt make much difference to them :roll: fuckin hppies :roll:
Ben said:
Them hippies next door need to turn down their music, I would go and play the drums, but the rooms soundproofed so it wouldnt make much difference to them :roll: fuckin hppies :roll:

You need to wait till they are asleep :roll:
Then go set the drums up outside :evil: