now thinking

Huzah! It's the first day of Metal Month! :edheadbang: :banana: :bananallama: :edmetal: :blaze: :guitar: :drum: :bananadance:
Dead on here today :|

I'm doing my photography exam right now, 5 hours :| another 5 hours on friday too :| then the course is finished :(
sixxy said:
nah not a stranger i just stalk you all lol
Hope he settles soon :)
Thanks :wink: Think i'm in for it tonight though :( he's got hospital tomorrow and hates it :( Gotta have a general to have some fillings....after a wait of over a year :x I hope it sill is only fillings :|
wicker nomad said:
Thanks :wink: Think i'm in for it tonight though :( he's got hospital tomorrow and hates it :( Gotta have a general to have some fillings....after a wait of over a year :x I hope it sill is only fillings :|
oh god i'd be the same! hate having stuff like that done! :(
Its my birthday next month, my mums been asking me what I want..

Think I found something different :D that'd look good in my bedroom 8)

Its a giant painting of the Scarface DVD cover..I like Scarface alot :err: and think it would look 8) in my room, or maybe a film cell from Scarface and picture in a picture frame..not sure, something a bit different though


or maybe that one, theres loads on eBay to choose from :D