now thinking

Ben said:
So what did you say to Luke after the girls incident?

I bet he's gonna be like Gene Simmons or something by the time he's 15 LOL
OMG I bloody hope not LOL

He's got the fatal thing of dark hair, blue eyes and a butter wouldn't melt for what i've said, I haven't yet....cos they are still up there LOL
I'll catch him on MSN in the week and ask him what he got upto, the dirty dog :D :evil:

Whats it like up there? Very quiet or lots of giggling going on? :P
Ben said:
I'll catch him on MSN in the week and ask him what he got upto, the dirty dog :D :evil:

Whats it like up there? Very quiet or lots of giggling going on? :P
Neither LOL lots of showing off on guitar LOL
MaidenMadness said:
well then here it is
a bit of real mm
you know deep inside i really ain't such a bad guy as you people here think of me. i think that by all accounts i can be classified as a good catch in the big fishtank of love, i mean i'm not adonis but i ain't no quasimodo either. i ain't alber einstein but i know i far closer to that than i am to george bush for example. and i'm not a bad person
all should come down to a decent love life right?
wrong. you see the problem with my love life is that i always fall for the wrong type of women - those that are already in relationship. and stealing somebodyelse's girl and stuff like that is against my values so i don't involve myself in that kind of things. so i wait and wait and wait. say no to everyother girl cause i keep waiting for "the one" to become free.....and so i wait and wait and wait. until oneday destiny tears our ways apart and she leaves my life forever....then it all starts all over again.
so the question remains why do i wait? why not have some fun whilst waiting? fair question. the answer is pretty simple. i don't want to be with somebody i don't care for i want to be with the one. at the age of almost 22 i am sick and tired of "fun" with girls. i want more. i want all the romantic bullshit that goes along with the relationship and that i cannot give to somebody i don't care for.
so in the end i always get hurt cause of combination of my stupid principles and bad luck. so, to use roger water's expressions, i just build a wall to stop getting hurt. its a really lovley wall, really high impossible to see over. with a moat around it and a draw bridge to let the certain somebody in......only as soon as i lower the draw brigde i get hurt.......
the story of my love life

One day..... MM....
I was 24 before I found miss right....
:err: B4 that there werent that many miss wrongs though.......
I think this was due to me being unable to stand up most of the time :err:

As for you being the bad guy.... Maybe ur just a bit missunderstood . :wink:
rockin_plumber said:
One day..... MM....
I was 24 before I found miss right....
:err: B4 that there werent that many miss wrongs though.......
I think this was due to me being unable to stand up most of the time :err:

As for you being the bad guy.... Maybe ur just a bit missunderstood . :wink:
oh well don't worry about me its nothing some drugs and alcohol won't fix
I agree with MM, I'd love a girlfriend for romantic and coupley stuff :oops:

Just dont go looking for girls, seriously, you'll never find a girl you care for if you go out on a saturday night with your friends on the pull. You'll find the girl of your dreams when you least expect it.
Ben said:
Just dont go looking for girls, seriously, you'll never find a girl you care for if you go out on a saturday night with your friends on the pull. You'll find the girl of your dreams when you least expect it.
oh i do know that
girls i found that way are the ones i always get hurt with LOL
Ben said:
Airhorn and a bucket of water... :evil:
Airhorn's a good idea LOL He drove me mad with them at Silverstone last year :|
Not the water though, i'd have to clean that up :err: