Bouville said::?
Np. Tori Amos - Twinkle
SexyDevilGirl said:LOL you're not listening to Metal- :shock:
Bouville said:She has such a beautiful voice and certainly I am in the mood for this music...I have been listening to the same cd the whole night and I don't get tired, I like it a lot...
Np. Tori Amos - Father Lucifer
SexyDevilGirl said:LOL I had a friend who went to see her live last year- my friend left because she was freaked out by all the 'weirdos with tattoos and piercings' at the show
I guess she failed to realise who she was talking to. 8)
NP: Moenia-Quisiera Adivinar 8)
Bouville said:Indeed she failed 8)
Np. Tori Amos - Hey Jupiter
SexyDevilGirl said:She got her come uppance though- they couldn't get out of the parking lot so they had to spend four hours hanging out in the car LOL LOL
NP: TON- Cinnamin Girl 8)