New Users Check In Here

Hi! I'm Danny Parker, some of you might know me from the IM BB....thought i would just stick my head around the door and say hello! 8)
(Am Hangman on the official IM-BB! Stupid to ruin my reputation already, I know :roll: , but you were to find out I'm a screw-up sooner or later... :anorak: )
Goddess_of_Time said:
Hello...I decided to stop in... :D
Hey GoT
Troopers Son said:
Hi I'm The KitKat Man. I've been an alchoholic for three years now and I need help. I can't quit the booze.

Ooops wrong place *runs* :withstupid:
Why on earth would you WANT to quit the booze?? :?
The Stranger said:
Troopers Son said:
Hi I'm The KitKat Man. I've been an alchoholic for three years now and I need help. I can't quit the booze.

Ooops wrong place *runs* :withstupid:
Why on earth would you WANT to quit the booze?? :?
Leaves more beer for you ;)
Hi, i'm Pedro 29 from Portugal more or less regular at the bb, when work and and my kid allow me.

So far, so good, i quite like it here.

Surrounded by nice pp and friends from the Maiden tribe
Hi I'm Chris 31 from England UK, the official board is beginning to suck so I thought i'd check in here. So far so good. Cya all about.