wicker nomad said:
1. Different Worlds (Smith/Harris) 4.17
2. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6.52
3. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 8.44
4. The Pilgrim (Gers/Harris) 5.07
5. The Longest Day (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7.48
6. Out Of the Shadows (Dickinson/Harris) 5.36
7. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Murray/Harris) 7.21
8. For The Greater Good of God (Harris) 9.24
9. Lord Of Light (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7.23
10. The Legacy (Gers/Harris) 9.20
here's my try to make some fun from the tracklist from new album.... it crossed my mind few minutes ago, while writing essay from physics, acoustics related...... (although i think i'll be nailed on cross for this)
Different Worlds
probably song about reasons they don't want to come to Australia
These Colours Don't Run
Retrospective to stage outfit during Piece of Mind tour
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
Could be story about about suspected pyramids of sun in bosnian city of Visoko
The Pilgrim
bosnian supreme god, like egyptian Amon Ra, but called Amon Ba
The Longest Day
Ozzfest '05 incident
Out Of the Shadows
continuation to Fear of the Dark
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
Pharaoh - for more details check song no3
Lord Of Light
tribute to Ross Halfin?
For The Greater Good of God
Indirect advice for Steve to get away as possible from mixing desk during album producing and DVD editing?
The Legacy
no idea.....