Metal Links!

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metalwarrior220 said:
Great webpages!! :fist: Cyrus, pardon the mispelling in my last name, I was typing fast. There's no "i" at the end of it.

Thanks for those kind words, and for signing my guestboot :D
I guess I forgot to make this thread again, my bad. To recap, posting threads about your own sites isnt really appreciated, or linking to them in your sigs.

Theres a website button that goes to whatever page you set in your profile, and it appears next to all your posts. If you wish to promote your site a lot, use that option.

Voluntary compliance is appreciated, but I guess we'll edit any sigs/posts that are too promotional and don't get modified by their owners.

I've created my own thread for this , because its important people realise the "Promotion in here" is an Admin-enforced rule. However, I do appreciate your effort in recreating this thread.
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