Manic's game

The#2RY said:
I never said mastered :roll: (or did I?)
anyway..I can't code and lost I'm shitted..
i said in that PM come on aim i got some things to show ya bout flash
you replyed
i'm busy and i've already mastered flash
i've asked n00bgrounds and i'm still waitin for a facking answer
kk gave that part of the script to some geeks so they will give it back and it works :banana: who wants to test the first level :D
can everyone post a good head shot of themselves.. please............. . . .
c'mon its for fun :D
nomad get one of killy plz :D
it would be lots better if you could take a pic as if you were holding a gun or actually holding one and pointing it at the camera
PM them to me plz so it will be a funny surprise it the game when others play it
its the HitTest part
in have gone over it over and over :x
i was thinkin' of a maiden world game were you have to shoot the members :D
be dead easy aswell