Manic's game

MaidenMadness said:
can it be that you have to hit a precise point to kill an enermy?
no te entire sprite is a movie clip so anywhere in that section that is non-transparent
ok i think i got it. when you hit an enermy it should hide but number of aliens doesn't change. so for program it remains the same. i see nowhere variable that contains number of aliens. so program can never know when the number reaches 0. you have deadcount but you don't comepare it to the number of aliens there were originally. also you don't increase deadcount variable once the alien has been hit. that might be a reason. as for why the alien doesn't dissapear when you hit him i have no clue. from what i see that should work
kk i'll do the dead county thing now
but it starts with like 10 on each row
i'll have another look anyway
MaidenMadness said:
then i couldn't receive it cause its over my mailbox limit. :| . what if you threw out music and useless stuff and left only the most neccessary?
i'll see
but for the others to prove i've actually done something taken away because it was from the wrong comp
i uploaded the wrong file from my mates comp when i went out
i deleted music and background and it took off a whole 10 kb :banana: then i got a message saying my start-up disk is full so i'm just gonna swith HDs
manic said:
i deleted music and background and it took off a whole 10 kb :banana: then i got a message saying my start-up disk is full so i'm just gonna swith HDs
well then sorry i can't help
so we want to good adress manic :x
we want to play :x
I have the trophy on the space invaders of killy's forum :P
rockin_plumber said:
All I get is

#Image removed coz Manic was a cry baby :cry: #
rockin could you take that off plz
i visit this at my friends house and he has a look through the threads and if he finds that out well
manic said:
hes got long hair now :P
maybe it could go through albums
that would be easy
powerslave: in a tomb and mummies attack
seventh son: the place with all the ice and water and those statue things come to life and attack
somewhere in time: in the streets of the future annd robo-eddies attack
number of the beast your in hell and demons attack
i tthink 5 klevels will do for now
like ed hunter?
Rockhardchick666 said:
like ed hunter?
but i'll add a better story
like so far i got it starting off live at donington :D and i got 2 minutes to midnight in the background live and the crowd become all dodgy zombie people (need a story for that)

anyways this mornong i've been looking for actionscripts and i think MM would enjoy this one
//Here we have a quite complex Collision Detection.
kreise = 5;
filmbreite = 600;
filmhoehe = 450;
//      Bewegen + Kollision
//      Funktion Version 2.0
Movieclip.prototype.bewegen = function (speed,verformung,radius,posX,posY) {
        if (ymov == "") {
                ymov = random(speed)+1;
                xmov = random(speed)+1;
                ysign = random(2)-1;
                if (ysign == 0) {
                        ysign = 1;
                xsign = random(2)-1;
                if (xsign == 0) {
                        xsign = 1;
                xmov = xmov*xsign;
                ymov = ymov*ysign;
        if ((radius+speed)>=posX) {
                xmov = xmov*(-1);
                posX = radius+speed;
        if ((radius+speed)>=posY) {
                ymov = ymov*(-1);
                posY = radius+speed;
        if (posX>=((_root.filmbreite-radius)-speed)) {
                xmov = xmov*(-1);
                posX = (_root.filmbreite-radius)-speed;
        if (posY>=((_root.filmhoehe-radius)-speed)) {
                ymov = ymov*(-1);
                posY = (_root.filmhoehe-radius)-speed;
        for (n=1;n<=_root.kreise;n++) {
                if (n ne my_n) {
                        n_x = _root[n]._x;
                        n_y = _root[n]._y;
                        n_radius = _root[n]._width/2;
                        d_x = (posX+xmov)-n_x;
                        d_y = (posY+ymov)-n_y;
                        if (((d_x*d_x)+(d_y*d_y))<((radius+n_radius)*(radius+n_radius))) {
                                nx = _root[n].xmov;
                                ny = _root[n].ymov;
                                tempx = xmov;
                                xmov = nx;
                                _root[n].xmov = tempx;
                                tempy = ymov;
                                ymov = ny;
                                _root[n].ymov = tempy;
                                _root[n].treffer = my_n;
        _x = (posX+xmov);
        _y = (posY+ymov);
        _yscale = random(verformung)*1.1+60;
        _xscale = random(verformung)*1.1+60;

//  Klone Funktion Version 1.0
Movieclip.prototype.klone = function (anzahl) {
        for (i =1; i < anzahl; i++) {
                duplicateMovieClip (1, 1+i, -i);
                _root[1+i]._x = random(filmbreite)-_root[1+i]._width;
                _root[1+i]._y = random(filmhoehe)-_root[1+i]._height;
//You need an mc with an instancename: 1
//And on the Clip you have to add this Script:
onClipEvent (load) {
        ymov = "";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {