Manic's game


Active Member
i'm making a new game based on maiden and space invaders so a top-down shooter space invaders style with maiden graphics and story
i need:
a good story
ideas for levels
what you should play as
and what you kill(its something different in each level)

please help
reason i'm asking you lot is because if i ask IMBB it will all be dance of death
and credit will be given :D

each row of ennemies could have a name of the BB's maiden world

the wickiers
the plumbers
the manics
the MMers
the bockiers
the cyrs
the killers
the SDGers
the twilighters
the ewils

the_nomad said:
and credit will be given :D

each row of ennemies could have a name of the BB's maiden world

the wickiers
the plumbers
the manics
the MMers
the bockiers
the cyrs
the killers
the SDGers
the twilighters
the ewils

the plumbers LOL
i see ewils name but not chicky's :roll:
maybe not
this will probably go on newgrouunds
i don't want the whole world seeing plumbers invading
first part done
maiden play on stage live and all the crowd turn to zombies (the plot will thicken later)
anyway so bruce has to shoot them so they don't reach the stage
thats where you come in
i've drawn the zombie thing for the enemy now for bruce
shall i draw him with long or short hair :? :blaze: :drum:
hes got long hair now :P
maybe it could go through albums
that would be easy
powerslave: in a tomb and mummies attack
seventh son: the place with all the ice and water and those statue things come to life and attack
somewhere in time: in the streets of the future annd robo-eddies attack
number of the beast your in hell and demons attack
i tthink 5 klevels will do for now
the first levels beta shot

the final product will look much better
:shock: ooook so far it..
will show the title page
you click play and the game starts but..
if you shoot or get shot then... nothing happens-_-'
i'm working on it
hey manic i just took a look at that pic where oyou can see a bit of code. it is very simmilar to c. maybe i can hefp at all cause i know c
MaidenMadness said:
hey manic i just took a look at that pic where oyou can see a bit of code. it is very simmilar to c. maybe i can hefp at all cause i know c
let me get my codes so far :D
frame 1 :
// declare and initialise variables
bombNum = 0;
lives = 3;
score = 0;
speed = 10;
// --------- INITIALISE ALIENS ------------- //
_global.initAliens = function(mc) {
depth = 0;
for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<10; j++) {
attachMovie(mc, mc+i+"_"+j, 100+depth);
_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._x = j*40;
_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._y = i*40-80;
// ------- MOVE ALIENS ----------------- //
_global.moveAliens = function(mc, frame, alspeed) {
// count the dead baddies
_root.deadcount = 0;
// loop through baddies
for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<10; j++) {
// move horizontal
_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._x += speed;
// check if aliens hit defender
if (_root[mc+i+"_"+j].hitTest(_root.defender)) {
// check if any aliens left alive
if (_root[mc+i+"_"+j] != null) {
// -------test bullet hit
bulleti = 6;
while (--bulleti>1) {
if (_root[mc+i+"_"+j].hittest(eval("_root.bullet"+bulleti))) {
_root.score += 1;
// hits left wall
if (_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._x<0) {
// set direction to right
speed = alspeed;
// drop down
dropdown = true;
// hit right wall
if (_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._x>Stage.width) {
// set direction to left
speed = -alspeed;
// drop down
dropdown = true;
// drop down all the rows
if (dropdown) {
for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<10; j++) {
_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._y += 20;
// reset flag
dropdown = false;
// if all aliens are dead
if (_root.deadcount == 0) {
// go to next level
_root.bombspeed = 0.0;
// ----------- INIT BOMBS --------------- //
_global.initBombs = function(bombspeed) {
// drop bombs
if (Math.random()<bombspeed) {
// duplicate the bomb mc
attachMovie("bomb", "bomb"+bombNum, 200+bombNum);
// set the coords to a random position
eval("_root.bomb"+bombNum)._x = random(700);
eval("_root.bomb"+bombNum)._y = 300*Math.random();
// increment the bomb number
// if more than 10 bombs , start again at 0
if (bombNum>10) {
bombNum = 0;
// -------------- MOVE BOMBS ---------------- //
_global.moveBombs = function(mc) {
var bombi = 0;
while (bombi<11) {
_root["bomb"+bombi]._y += 5;
// hitest defender
if (_root["bomb"+bombi].hittest(_root.defender)) {
_root.lives -= 1;
// lives are all gone
if (_root.lives<=0) {
// go to start;
_root.bombspeed = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<10; j++) {
_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._visible = false;
// test if bomb goes offscreen
if (_root["bomb"+bombi]._y>Stage.height) {
// ---------- CLEAN UP -------- //
_global.cleanup = function(mc) {
_root.bombspeed = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<10; j++) {
// move horizontal
_root[mc+i+"_"+j]._visible = false;
// initialise variables
bulletNum = 0;
dropdown = false;
speed = 10;
_root.bombspeed = 0.1;
// ----------- ONLOAD ----------- //
_root.onLoad = function() {
// ------------- ENTERFRAME ---------- //
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
// move the defender with the mouse.
_root.defender._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.defender._y = 385;
// bullet move
var y = 0;
while (y<6) {
eval("_root.bullet"+y)._y -= 30;
moveAliens("zombie", 3, 10);
// ------------- MOUSE CLICK ---------- //
_root.onMouseDown = function() {
// duplicate the bullet mc
attachMovie("bullet", "bullet"+bulletNum, bulletNum);
// set the coords to the mouse clik
eval("_root.bullet"+bulletNum)._x = _root.defender._x;
eval("_root.bullet"+bulletNum)._y = _root.defender._y;
// increment the bullet number
// if more than 5 bullets , start again at 0
if (bulletNum>5) {
bulletNum = 0;
MaidenMadness said:
and where exactly have you programmed that hittest function? or is it function that comes along with the program?
action script
i'm using flash (F9)