Male/Female and age??

Cyrus said:
What a bunch of sorry old geezers LOL

Go to the old folks home! Booooo! You're not wanted here! :D

Cheeky little punk, i'd soon chase you out of here if i had my zimmer frame :x .......NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............ :? ..........oh never mind, i can't remember what i was doing :shock: .........NURSE!!!!!!
Bockaaarck said:
Cheeky little punk, i'd soon chase you out of here if i had my zimmer frame :x .......NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............ :? ..........oh never mind, i can't remember what i was doing :shock: .........NURSE!!!!!!

Nurse: Just take you pills and be quiet "grandad"

Cyrus said:
What a bunch of sorry old geezers LOL

Go to the old folks home! Booooo! You're not wanted here! :D
Kids normally have to be quiet while the adults are talking.
Big bump...I know there's a newer thread but I can't find it :oops:

Need to edit my post to 33...time flies when you're spamming :shock:
Bockaaarck said:
Male aged 30. I can even remember getting free milk everyday at my playgroup when i was a kid, until Thatcher came in :x what a Beeeeeeeaaaatch !!!!! I love milk, i was most upset when she did away with it :cry:
I feel ancient LOL I remember free milk at primary school...was lovely in the winter, nice and cold...but used to make me want to :edbarf: in the summer when it was luke warm :|
wicker nomad said:
I feel ancient LOL I remember free milk at primary school...was lovely in the winter, nice and cold...but used to make me want to :edbarf: in the summer when it was luke warm :|
Male, 15 (Yes Im very young, but I act like Im 30 so just pretend I am)

And...NOT that single, maybe I will be soon, who knows...
MaidenMadness said:
are you sure you're 35
you don't look 35 on that pic :)

Yes i am 35 - that pic was taken a month ago, i do look younger than my age i know!
Iused to hate it coz when i was 18 i looked about 12 LOL but now i don't mind looking younger at all! :D

i was born 15th sept 1970