Maiden World Server Move: This Weekend

Other things came up this weekend that made it impossible for me to migrate Maiden World across servers with good testing and upgrade work.

Next weekend should be the trick though.
Jon said:
Other things came up this weekend that made it impossible for me to migrate Maiden World across servers with good testing and upgrade work.

Next weekend should be the trick though.

maybe one day :|
MaidenMadness said:
who needs new server anyway :D
let jon enjoy his life and we'll make sure this site keeps on living :D
*looks to the future when all M-Wers are OAPs*
MM: wicky, there ain't such things as ghosts
WN: :ball kicking smiley:
MaidenMadness said:
who needs new server anyway :D
let jon enjoy his life and we'll make sure this site keeps on living :D

LOL We spent most of this weekend trying to fix broken pcs and other stuff. Life's never easy