Think i'm awake enough now to tell you about my weekend
I had to get up by 4am Friday morning, but thanks to the hottest night ever and a thunder storm I was up at 2.30 after having about 20 minutes sleep :shock: I made Jake's packed lunch for school at 3am LOL
I woke Luke up at 4, then after a final check of passports and tickets LOL my sister in law drove us to Bristol airport. We were driving through thunder the whole way there...was pretty hairy! All the way I was thinking the flight was going to be delayed...more about that in a bit!
This was my first go at airports on my own (Iceland didn't feel like I was alone, I just followed everyone else

) Got through check in fine :banana: and then me and Luke met Bocky and Miss Bocky

Was great to see a familiar face :banana: At this point it is still very stormy outside :| We got on the plane and did they delay it? like fuck they did :| I'd have rather got to Paris a few hours late than have the take off that we did :| So bumpy that the arm rests were jumping up and down :shock: Wasn't good for Luke's first ever flight

Anyway things were fine after we got through the storm and we made it there in one piece :banana:
When we landed I had fun trying to find my friends that were supposed to be waiting outside customs, after a few phone calls, we realised we were at different terminals

LOL Finally found them and got a taxi to the hotel

Their room was ready, but mine wasn't, so we left our bags in their room and me and Luke headed off for a walk...god was it ever hot :shock: We wandered around looking in shops and at the crazy driving :shock: Crossing the roads is an experience I will never forget LOL We bought some bread, strawberries and grapes to munch as we were going along :banana:
After a couple of hours we were so hot and tired, I thought we'd go see if our room was ready, this was when I realised we were lost

I thought that we'd been going up one street down the next, and that the hotel would be easy to get back to, didn't notice that all the streets go off at angles

We were miles away :shock:
I asked some lovely French shopkeepers where we were and after about another hour of walking in the unbearable heat we finally fell onto our beds in our lovely air conditioned room :banana: :banana: That felt soooooo good

:banana: I only meant to sit down for a minute and then get our bags from my friends room, but the next thing I knew over 2 hours had passed :shock:
Our friends were still not back, so still no bags (which i'd stupidly left the sun cream in

) So we set off again to find the open top bus tour that covers the whole city......Their website said buses run every 10 minutes and are easy to find...yeah right :x after another hour of sweating in the heat Luke spotted a bus :banana: :banana: We spent a good few hours driving round the city, it was a great way to see the sights :banana: Very hot though, just sitting in the sun cooking LOL I'll post some pics I took from the bus later
Then came the next cock up

We missed the last bus back

This time we were the other side of the city though, so no way were we walking back :shock: Took us a while to find a taxi, but we got back safely, again it was fantastic to go into our fridge of a room :banana: :banana: Almost as soon as we got back, my phone rang, it was my fiends asking if we'd eaten we all go again into the heat, had a lovely club sandwich and champagne :banana: :banana:
Back at the hotel again, it started thundering, me and Luke stood out on the balcony in the rain watching the lightening :banana: Didn't clear the air much though!
Went to bed around 1am and we were asleep instantly
Was woken by my phone, I was so asleep I thought it was 3am and I'd forgotten to turn my alarm off from the night before LOL Picked up my phone and saw Fresters name.....thought why the hell is he ringing at this time of night LOL Soon realised it was 8.30am and he was at the airport

LOL Quickly got dressed and took half hour to wake Luke up...Had breakfast, and a VERY strong coffee....made me look like this :shock: within 1 minute LOL
To save you all from an even longer essay, Fresters posts covers what happened when we tried to meet up

LOL but we got there in the end :banana:
Had a brilliant day with Frenchy and killy, was great to meet you 2, just sorry we didn't know any french
After th gig got back to hotel about 1am, went over to our friends room for a natter and got to bed about 2.30am, shit were my feet and legs hurting :shock:
In the morning decided to go for the safe option of a taxi to the airport

Expensive, but my legs were so sore, I couldn't have coped with getting lost again

which is bound to have happened if i'd tried to find the station LOL
At the airport picked up a nice stash of cheap ciggies :banana: :banana:
The flight home was a lot smoother than the one over :banana: Think Luke actually enjoyed the second flight
Sorry for the essay

It was a great trip :banana: :banana: