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MaidenMadness said:
come clean it would hurt your ego that someone with less posts has more stars than you right?

No :oops:

In theory you should have 7 stars (as manic suggested)

You get three for getting 666 posts....

and an extra one for bein a top contributer :P
rockin_plumber said:
No :oops:

In theory you should have 7 stars (as manic suggested)

You get three for getting 666 posts....

and an extra one for bein a top contributer :P
this is what jon said
3 stars: Senior Member (automatically issued at 666 posts)
4 stars: Contributor (manually set as appropriate)
5 stars: Staff (applies only when you're a member of the staff group)
5 stars + text: Used for things like Site Admin.
so let me ask this then bobo has 5 stars cause he is in staff group. and he also has more contributions than me. so then he should also get one more star. but he can't. so it can only be logical that contributors get 4 stars regardless of the number of their posts, unless they are staff then they get nothing cause moving from 5 to 4 is a punishment
MaidenMadness said:
so let me ask this then bobo has 5 stars cause he is in staff group. and he also has more contributions than me. so then he should also get one more star. but he can't. so it can only be logical that contributors get 4 stars regardless of the number of their posts, unless they are staff then they get nothing cause moving from 5 to 4 is a punishment
but he isnt a senior member anymore
his title says contributor so they must have took senior away and replaced it with this
thats the only explanation