hello thread!

Ben said:
Nothing new really, few new t shirts came through the post today, so preety 8) about that, shame that I cant have them till next week LOL

I'm preety well thanks, another hot day :D

How are you mate? Dont suppose your off to see GnR next month? Ive asked Rockin, but hes got work..tut :p

Don't know yet. Sixxy has a friend who does press photo's, and we found out the other day he had been trying to get hold of her coz he had press passes for Download and the Metal Hammer Golden Gods.( Or was it the Kerrang 25th Party? Whatever. ) :|

We were Bloody Bastard Busy :x

Gonna hold out to see if he can sort something :)
Frenchy said:
ain't you busy with footy bocky :?

On and off, its on in the background. I am just trying to tidy up my I-Tunes and MP3's on me puter, which i want to try and get done tonight if i can :)
Bockaaarck said:
On and off, its on in the background. I am just trying to tidy up my I-Tunes and MP3's on me puter, which i want to try and get done tonight if i can :)

can't you manage to have the telly on the same ground during the competition :err: