hello thread!

Bockaaarck said:
Hiya Ben, hope you're ok

Recovered from your "Wank" house party LOL LOL LOL

Sounds like it was a nightmare :|


It was shit :| glad it wasnt at my house, I'll never ever have a house party :p

I feel like poo on a stick now though :( got a huge cold and its just getting worse, might go to bed and watch Kiss Symphony!

Can you believe it was almost a year ago that we went to Iceland? :shock:

How are you doing anyway dude? :banana:
Scream for me said:
how are you mate

Doing good, just chilling a bit this evening and taking it easy. Work is still pretty busy, which is just down right out of order :| . Do they think i want to work hard for my salary or what ! LOL LOL LOL :err:

Probably chat to you guys for half an hour then i should really get to bed :err:

How's things for you :)