Maiden's Bitch said:Hello all :evil:
my bitchy :banana: :banana: :banana:
Maiden's Bitch said:Hello all :evil:
Frenchy said:evening rocky :wink:
afraidtoshooteddie said:No. Acually.
I'm uncomfortably warm tonight :|
metalwarrior220 said:That sucks, Bockaarck. My first car was a 1984 Cavalier station wagon and I had to replace the starter and alternator within the first couple of months after I got it. The belts kept going several times after I replaced them. It was especially embarrassing when it happened on the road. I hated driving without power steering.
Bockaaarck said:It was a nightmare, although to be fair i have kept her running for a long while. Maybe it's time for her to have a rest. The repair will pprobably cost me about £400, and that's only if it's the power sterring pump and not the steering rack as well...It might be time to consider getting some new wheels :|
Frenchy said:evening fraidy & rocky 8)
rockin_plumber said:HI FRENCHY :fist:
One last thing before I quit
I never wanted any more than I could fit
Into my head I still remember every single word
You said and all the shit that somehow came along with it
Still theres one thing that comforts me since I was
Always caged and now Im free 8)