hello thread!

It is in my house!!!

Trust me

my feet are cold in my NEW ROCKS!

and im all alone :( *sniff*

ahh well lol
So what have I missed while Ive been away?
To the evil land of Myspace LOL

and I am ashamed :(

lol..I am dragging myself away from it slowly haha

plus I had college haha..yeah that minor little detailxD
I got brainwashed :shock:

But I hath been released from the spell and am back:D

Because I ahve realised that at lest here I can have an intelligant conversation with someone!

And Rocky I could never forget you guys!
You have done whey too much for me in the past for me to forget ya :D


trust me Rocky..compared with Myspace..even the most random convos here could be counted as intelligant!
Theone thing that makes Myspace a good place

You can really boost your self esteem cause you look at some people and you can just go...I am actually smarter than you :D

anyways..away from topic of myspace begone ye evil thing!

And back to more important things

like the almighty cup of tea *hails*
Revontulet said:
Theone thing that makes Myspace a good place

You can really boost your self esteem cause you look at some people and you can just go...I am actually smarter than you :D

anyways..away from topic of myspace begone ye evil thing!

And back to more important things

like the almighty cup of tea *hails*

I am waiting for Mr Tesco to deliver our shopping :|

haha I always find it funny that after all these wars people haven't realised Enland's biggest weakness is their tea!

though to tell ye the truth..take away our tea....they're gonna be fighting an entierly new breed of animal haha 8)