The Plumber That Rocks
Hey Revy 8)
Revontulet said:Heya Rocky :banana:
How are you tonight?
Revontulet said:Rather cold lol
But i'll get used to it for Finland 8)
no I won't
*goes and grabs hoodie*
Revontulet said:To the evil land of Myspace LOL
and I am ashamed![]()
lol..I am dragging myself away from it slowly haha
plus I had college haha..yeah that minor little detailxD
Revontulet said:Because I ahve realised that at lest here I can have an intelligant conversation with someone!
Revontulet said:LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
trust me Rocky..compared with Myspace..even the most random convos here could be counted as intelligant!
Revontulet said:Theone thing that makes Myspace a good place
You can really boost your self esteem cause you look at some people and you can just go...I am actually smarter than you![]()
anyways..away from topic of myspace begone ye evil thing!
And back to more important things
like the almighty cup of tea *hails*
Revontulet said:lmao![]()
Gosh that kills it!
especially if that Tesco guy had your teabags..having to wait till 11 to get a cuppa?
oh id go homicidal lol