hello thread!

Deadman Rockin said:
Yeah, Ta, You Ok??

Can't complain old friend, keeping busy at work, although i'm due to change jobs in a week or two, getting up and out before 06:00am sucks the fat one :|

Other than that the Bocky's are doing ok, pottering about, not doing anything too exciting, which suits us fine for the moment :)
Deadman Rockin said:
Yeah great thanks....KiSS eh!!!!!!!...i got Alive III, only thing of them i own...great Live album that!!!!

Paul Stanley is on form on that album :D 8)

I highly reccomend the Rock And Roll Over album from the 70s, very old skool sounding! Also its got Ace on it, and Ace completes Kiss :banana:

Rockkin' - Man Flu has came back, but of course I'm milking it a bit :err: :roll:
rockin_plumber said:
Bocky dude.......

Hows the new job........ :)

Or do you start another new one next week LOL

Got to wait a bit longer to start....you know what its like...with a rotation system LOL

Only kidding old friend, think the start date is 29/10/2007 if i'm lucky. Be a nicer drive to work, a bit more relaxed...i'm looking forward to it :)

Hope you and the rest of the clan are doing ok :)
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Still got no hearing on the left side. :(

Still taking lots of Antibiotics, anti-inflamatry, and pain killers, :(

Still feel like Crap :(

Thanks for asking 8)

How's you?

:( That sux mate :grouphug:

All good here 8)
Just chillin.... you know 8)
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Still got no hearing on the left side. :(

Still taking lots of Antibiotics, anti-inflamatry, and pain killers, :(

Still feel like Crap :(

Thanks for asking 8)

How's you?
Bugger :cry: