hello thread!

Hi, I joined my better half metalman up to this forum last night so I could watch telly and get peace from him constantly talking about Iron Maiden, I went upstairs and left him with my beloved computer and people I think he shares some common interests with! I come down this morning to find that he didn't even manage to make one post but did manage to make a dogs dinner of my outlook express!
I have just taken him a lovely cup of tea and he still isnt getting out of bed! Now I have loosed our 2yr old into the room to climb all over him and if that does'nt get him up then I will have to turn pure evil and put on Chers greatest hits! loud!
I am all for having a lie in on a Sunday , but noon! 5mins and the its "if I could turn back time" for metalman.
mrs metalman
metalman said:
Hi, I joined my better half metalman up to this forum last night so I could watch telly and get peace from him constantly talking about Iron Maiden, I went upstairs and left him with my beloved computer and people I think he shares some common interests with! I come down this morning to find that he didn't even manage to make one post but did manage to make a dogs dinner of my outlook express!
I have just taken him a lovely cup of tea and he still isnt getting out of bed! Now I have loosed our 2yr old into the room to climb all over him and if that does'nt get him up then I will have to turn pure evil and put on Chers greatest hits! loud!
I am all for having a lie in on a Sunday , but noon! 5mins and the its "if I could turn back time" for metalman.
mrs metalman

Might be better if he leaves the puter alone then :err:
But we will welcome him if he visits :wink:
I'm good thanks, just had a nice dinner :) although, I'm waiting for my mum to send me on the sunday evening sweets run LOL

I could do with the fresh air, I've not left the house all day :err: :oops:
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Hi Wix. What's new 8)
Only on aflying visit...water board turning our water off ebery day next week :| Gotta go fill up a load of bottles and pans with water before I go to bed :| bASTARDS :x
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Sorry mate, you must have just missed me, I had to go to the Parcel depot to pick up a package 8)

no probs mate, there's a life outside of the board LOL

how is the bouncer 8)