hello thread!

and it's only a game :err:[/quote]


Shouldnt get so wound up about it, its more than likely all fixed too :err:
Ben said:
and it's only a game :err:


Shouldnt get so wound up about it, its more than likely all fixed too :err:
[/quote] LOL

Hi Ben ...reckon you're gonna get yelled at more than me for that LOL
Hi there! this is eh mrs metalman. I want peace to watch telly and my hubby wont stop prattling about Maiden this Maiden that. could be made in bloody China for all I care! so thought I would join him up here be kind he doesn't do computers all that well.
Whats the big deal with Waldrock anyway? His name is Rab an Im off to watch telly Mrs metalman.
metalman said:
Hi there! this is eh mrs metalman. I want peace to watch telly and my hubby wont stop prattling about Maiden this Maiden that. could be made in bloody China for all I care! so thought I would join him up here be kind he doesn't do computers all that well.
Whats the big deal with Waldrock anyway? His name is Rab an Im off to watch telly Mrs metalman.
LOL Brilliant post LOL LOL

Hi metalman :D Mr wicky feels the same as mrs metalman :| They just don't get it do they :(
wicky said:
and it's only a game :err:

YOU............ ur only a woman and dont know any better :roll:

Ben said:

Shouldnt get so wound up about it, its more than likely all fixed too :err:

:| I wont say a thing
:| I shall just think it

.oO( ******* *** ***** ***** ***** **** and ***** ******** ***** **** :x for **** ********* ****** ****)
afraidtoshooteddie said:
My Bad. I took German when I was at school, so I'm afraid I'm not up to speed with my 'Bocky-Speak'. :|

Understandable :wink: I found it harder to grasp than french :shock:

Good morning folks. Mrs metalman again. sorry metalman didn't comunicate with you all last night. he was too busy deleting my email account! How he got from here to there I will never know! So Today if I ever get him out his bed we are going to sit down and do computer no no's 101!
I like music, I just dont love it like my otherhalf does and I have decided to stop just sitting nodding my head pretending I am listening when he goes on about it! (though Iv'e been doing that for 10 years now!) We are trying to start our own business and metalman agreed to sell some of his cds as we need the dosh, so I wrote down a list of all his cds and showed it to some of the guys who come in to the shop we are hoping to buy and this one guy went all funny and offered ten quid fr that Waldrock cd, when I told metal man last night he went all funny and started on about Iron Maiden and then he lost me! and thats how I ended up here! Whats the big deal? I thought a tenner for a cd was really good. now I have to go tell this guy he cant have! can anyone enlighten me without givng me the whole maiden history thing!
Going to go take metalman a cup of tea and see if he is getting up. I will teach him how to use a forum today if it kills me so you will hear from him later.
cheers for listening, mrs metalman!