hello thread!

Bocky you've just given me a plan for Luke 8) I've not been to Bath for years and Luke is really interested in the Romans....I see a daytrip happening soon :D
Its a tricky decision because it makes so much sense. Miss_Bocky works in Bath so it would be a lot easier for her, plus it would cut her travel costs by £150 a month (which we can then use to afford to rent somewhere in Bath as it will be more than where we are). It will redcue my travel costs (£120 a month) but more importantly for both of us it will reduce our travel time massively, so it might be the best thing to do, although we love where we are in Wells :?

We'll effectively have the same money going out but get back at least an hour each a day, think that's got to be worth considering :)
Bockaaarck said:
That's a great idea Wicky, Bath wouldn't be too hard for you to get too either :D
I'm going to do it soon :banana: Just going to have a look at train times and other things to do 8)
wicky said:
I know if it was me I would move, There is more to life than money, that's a lot of time to save :wink:

I think you're right, we are really swaying to the idea, its just a case of checking a few things out and deciding if we are going to do it. Iven if we don't rent somewhere in Bath and end up being 4 or 5 miles outside Bath i think we'd be better off :)