favourite book quote

SexyDevilGirl said:
...Where linger yet the bloodstains of those nameless
But unforgotten ones
Who have consigned their oppressors
To the eventual oblivion
They so richly deserve!..."
SexyDevilGirl said:
^ it's amazing :|
I quite agree. Here's the ending, which I was thinking about later in the evening...

I grow old, I grow old,
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me.

I have seen them riding seaward on the waves
Combing the white hairs of the waves blown back
When the wind blows the water white and black.

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown,
'Til human voices wake us, and we drown.

edit: Damn, I had messed up a word. Typing from memory. 8)
SexyDevilGirl said:
^ :| I love it
You should do yourself a favor and read the entire poem. It's a few pages long, so I have opted not to post a lot of good stuff here. :)
zgodt said:
You should do yourself a favor and read the entire poem. It's a few pages long, so I have opted not to post a lot of good stuff here. :)

I think I may need to make a thread where we just post entire long ass poems. LOL It hurts to have to abridge some of the really good ones. :(
SexyDevilGirl said:
I think I may need to make a thread where we just post entire long ass poems. LOL It hurts to have to abridge some of the really good ones. :(
Please do. I've got about three long ones I've been wanting to post. LOL
From my favorite Dante Alighieri writings- La Vita Nuova

Speaking of when he saw Beatrice
"...At that very moment , and I speak the truth, the vital spirit, the one that dwells in the most secret chamber of the heart, began to tremble so violently that even the most minute veins of my body were strangely affected; and trembling, it spoke these words: Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi". ("Here is a God stronger than I who comes to rule over me"). :|
SexyDevilGirl said:
From my favorite Dante Alighieri writings- La Vita Nuova

Speaking of when he saw Beatrice
"...At that very moment , and I speak the truth, the vital spirit, the one that dwells in the most secret chamber of the heart, began to tremble so violently that even the most minute veins of my body were strangely affected; and trembling, it spoke these words: Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi". ("Here is a God stronger than I who comes to rule over me"). :|

That is so beautiful...I love it :|
"The Circus-Circus is what the whole hep world would be doing on Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war."

Hunter Thompson-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas :evil:
"And I too wanted to be. That is all I wanted; and this is the last word. At the bottom of all these attempts which seemed without bounds, I find the same desire again: to drive existence out of me, to rid the passing moments of their fat, to twist them, dry them, purify myself, harden myself, to give back at last the sharp, precise sound of a saxophone note. That could even make an apology: there was a poor man who got in the wrong world"

J.P. Sartre. La Nausea
"But I am here to vanish
after messing up the emptiness."

Alice Fulton, from "A Little Heart-to-Heart with the Horizon"
"...millions of tears have continued to be shed by the innocent victims of war, and especially by women and children. The rapes perpetrated by neighbors, the disappearance of children and the ransacking of homes forced thses victims to become refugees and deprived them of their language, which is where memory and identity reside."

From An Absence of Shadows by Marjorie Agosin. This quote always comes to my mind when I hear people complain that too many people here in the U.S. speak foreign languages. :|
"..one is born with human rights, and thus one is sacredly connected to all living things. When human rights are violated, so is the sacredness of our world. Neighbors who rape and murder neighbors, civil authorities who torture the children of friends are among the darkest shadows on our century. Civilians have become tyrants in what was once the province of the military, and in these wars there can never be victory, only ashes and a sea of tears. "
"This month let's consider the .308 Winchester under a different format than usual. For my loads I used one case brand (Frontier), one primer brand (Winchester WLR) and one bullet (Sierra 168-grain MatchKing HPBT). This format will allow you to see the results of testing a variety of powders under identical conditions...)

- Guns & Ammo magazine, March, 2003