express your anger here

wicker nomad said:
Mine is 802.11 :wink: Never had any trouble with it til Jake thumped it :cry: The dongle was always on Luke's pc upstairs...obviusly I stole it when the laptop died :evil: Thanks anyway MM :wink:

One thing about women and technology rockin....I set up the wireless network myself :P Nearly pulled all my hair out doing it though :err: LOL
if you have set up wireless network by yourself i think i just found out about an unsecure AP then LOL
Rockhardchick666 said:
:edkiss: I'm being silly

rockin_plumber said:
Found this website

It makes me :x :x :x :x :x

Most of em are in Basins not fukin sinks :x :x :x :x

You have a sink in ur kitchen or utility room :|


Leave them a comment :evil:

Some of those pics are soooo adorable :D
Fucking noisy new neighbours :x :x
4.30am I could still hear them :x :x
And the wall between us is 3ft thick :shock:

Just come home and noticed their curtains are still shut

Luke is now upstairs to their bedroom....playing guitar VERY loudly :evil: :D
wicker nomad said:
Fucking noisy new neighbours :x :x
4.30am I could still hear them :x :x
And the wall between us is 3ft thick :shock:

Just come home and noticed their curtains are still shut

Luke is now upstairs to their bedroom....playing guitar VERY loudly :evil: :D

He should have been doing that this morning at 8:30/9:00 :evil: