:shock: they shoud join and talk to the happy womanwicker nomad said:12 Lurkers :x :x
6 of them are on general :x :x :x :x
wicker nomad said:12 Lurkers :x :x
6 of them are on general :x :x :x :x
Rockhardchick666 said::shock:
Ivan said:what? no comment?
Rockhardchick666 said:GAY FUCKING PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rockin_plumber said::edbarf: I would prefer it if those kinda pics werent posted here
Rockhardchick666 said:LOL comming right up/
:wink:rockin_plumber said:
wicker nomad said:And worse than that ....my connection is slower than dial up :shock: :x :x :x
noperockin_plumber said:LOL LOL LOL MM must be laughing at you now then
MaidenMadness said:nope
mm's connection is also slower than usual
fucker wants to connect only at 33.6 kbps :x
wicker nomad said:Sodding MSN :x :x :x