wicker nomad said:Does he have any idea how much longer it will be?
maybe 2 or 3 days, i think

wicker nomad said:Does he have any idea how much longer it will be?
MaidenMadness said:i am angry at why (some) ppl tend to judge bands before they even hear some of their stuff :x
there was this thread on some board about blatant rip offs and one person said (before me) that 2 minutes to midnight is a rip off from venom's welcome to hell. i posted(independant of that post) that inrto of 2 mins to midnight sounds simmilar to intro to divlje jagode's stakleni hotel. and some guy quoted me and said that its not possible since 2 mins to midnight is a venom rip off and asked me if i saw a post which said that thus wanting to say that divlje jagode ripped off venom or iron maiden. now you can clearly see the guy never even heard of divlje jagode let alone any of its stuff(and i don't blame him for that) but then he should keep quite especially since that post showed what he knows. welcome to hell has been released in 1981, powerslave in 1984..but divlje jagode's stakleni hotel was relesed in 1980(before any of the two albums) . that pissed me off. he should keep his mouth shut if he doesn't know what he's talking aboutrockin_plumber said::? What has happened MM
LOLwicker nomad said:Inland Revenue's website is a pile of fucking crap :x :x :x :x :x
Half way through filling in a huge form and the fucking site crashes :x :x :x :x
MaidenMadness said:there was this thread on some board about blatant rip offs and one person said (before me) that 2 minutes to midnight is a rip off from venom's welcome to hell. i posted(independant of that post) that inrto of 2 mins to midnight sounds simmilar to intro to divlje jagode's stakleni hotel. and some guy quoted me and said that its not possible since 2 mins to midnight is a venom rip off and asked me if i saw a post which said that thus wanting to say that divlje jagode ripped off venom or iron maiden. now you can clearly see the guy never even heard of divlje jagode let alone any of its stuff(and i don't blame him for that) but then he should keep quite especially since that post showed what he knows. welcome to hell has been released in 1981, powerslave in 1984..but divlje jagode's stakleni hotel was relesed in 1980(before any of the two albums) . that pissed me off. he should keep his mouth shut if he doesn't know what he's talking about
First concert I ever went to was Iron Maiden, Rob Halford and Queensryche. I was 16 at the time and my friend just got his license so we all felt like tough guys.
The guy and gal in front of us were very intimate during much of music, holding each other really close...yada yada. but when Maiden came on and played Blood Brothers, they each put their hands into the others pants and went at it. My friends and I were in shock...and the guy threw his head back when the guitar solo came...and the girl screamed out loud and winced in pain...or what would have been out loud if there weren't 2000 speakers in the place. Then they each removed their hands at the end of the song and wiped them clean on their pant legs. My friends and I can never listen to that song again, and whenever we have a cd with it on it, we skip over it and there is an awkward silence that falls.
:shock: there r 12 yr oldsRockhardchick666 said:parden me for the innaproptiateness of thatI forgot about the 12 year olds
:grouphug:rockin_plumber said:Went to a BBQ last nite :|
Did a deal with miss_rockin..........
Car passes MOT she drinks
Car fails I drink (I reckon she took it to a garage last week :| )
Anyway I never got any food :x
No-one was cooking it :x
It was to fukin dark to see the fukin BBQ anyway :x
Didn't they think it got dark at nite :? :x
All I could have was two small bottles of lager :|
What a shit nite.............. :|
maybe you should blame the players. benitez can't fight on the pitch for them :roll:rockin_plumber said:Fukin Benitez :x :x :x :x :x
I think he is a Man Utd Fan :|
cisse is probably on the bench cause he didn't work hard on training sessions. rafa wants discipline and he wants only those that deserve in training sesions to playrockin_plumber said:It is up to him to motivate them though :|
Plus he started with our £14,000,000 striker Cisse in the bench :? :x
I am having my doubts :|
wicker nomad said:Shit :x Just noticed the side of my screen is going pink :shock: