Rockhardchick666 said:
Well, I don't know if I could compete with UK soccer players
Why not :shock: there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to ( apart from hard work, a lot of training and a lot of focus ) If you enjoy it,......really enjoy it then go for it
A lot of the best European football clubs have realised there are great players in Nigeria, Costa Rica, Canada, USA, Czech Republic, Romania, Georgia, Jamaica, Egypt, Tunisia, Japan, etc etc
There's as much chance for you as anyone else
imagine..........a few years the stadium, the crowd, the atmosphere, the lights and the smell :shock:
Freshly cut grass..... a perfect pitch... ( a little hard to play on, but nothing you can't deal with...). The lights and noise and sound, flags waving, people chanting, knowing you have plenty of support from home.......
You walk on to the pitch with the rest of the squad, nervous, but excited :shock: You're in the final, France are out, Denmark gave you a tough game, you we're lucky with Portugal, but you won through...............
Now the final contest, are you up to it :shock: :shock: :shock: 90 minutes will tell


