drugs and alcohol

Drugs = peer pressure

No way I'm letting some cunt make me think ecstacy/cocaine/smack/pot/whatever the fuck is cool.

Fuck drugs, drugs are for weak people. :|
Ben said:
Drugs = peer pressure

No way I'm letting some cunt make me think ecstacy/cocaine/smack/pot/whatever the fuck is cool.

Fuck drugs, drugs are for weak people. :|

I resent that only because it's not always peer pressure.

What about Bruce? Is he a weak person? Ozzy?
I guess maybe my statement was a bit bold, IN MY OPINION drug taking is down to 2 things

1.) Main one being peer pressure, in my experiences of seeing people doing drugs because their friends are doing it

2.) People just being inquisitive and wanting to try it. Hmm :| .

I think in Bruce and Ozzys day, the music scene and drugs preety much went hand in hand. Still doesnt make it acceptable :|
Organic drugs are ok IF you know what you are doing and can handle it,
most of the people cant, same goes with alcohol, you cant be that bad
alcoholic with beer and wine only, but not everybody can handle those either, I dont drink much booze but I´m always willing to go have a pint or two :cheers:
And I dont use speed or E but I can have joint or two now or then :edsmoke:
Synthetic drugs sucks...still I have planned to try heroin or opium when
I´m 60+ years old sitting in my wheelchair and feeding birds LOL
Moderation is the key-word here, like in everything in life. 8)
All you need is air, food and water, the rest is up to you :shock:
Caffeine as well, this is getting complicated. What do we class as drugs - things you can get addicted to or things tht chemically alter your mood? If it's the latter then most of the stuff in processed food can do that.
les2007 said:
Caffeine as well, this is getting complicated. What do we class as drugs - things you can get addicted to or things tht chemically alter your mood? If it's the latter then most of the stuff in processed food can do that.

Coca-cola is a drug :| i know about that :oops:
Ivan said:
same as sex


I think its neccessary............ :err:

les2007 said:
Caffeine as well, this is getting complicated. What do we class as drugs - things you can get addicted to or things tht chemically alter your mood? If it's the latter then most of the stuff in processed food can do that.
What about other effects? Visuals, stimulant or depressant properties, etc?