Do you practice a sport ???

AGuyFromNY said:
some ppl say: it all started after christmas of 1994 or similar :D
wicker nomad said:
LOL LOL The gold would have to go to a bloke cos us girls don't fart 8)

My flatmate (who is a girl) farts, but I have never heard her do it :P I've heard her burp tho. She has as more manly burp than the biggest, toughest guys :shock:

She agreed that I could record her fart so I have proof that girls do it as well LOL
OK, I admit I fart :D ...but living in a house with 3 males I can honestly say that you males fart a hell of a lot more than us :D
MaidenMadness said:
if you do it for pleasure then it is. but if you do it cause you don't get enough :bananabang: then i would define it as manual labour
LOL LOL LOL I laughed so much when I read that, my coffee came out my nose :shock: