Not always. I know more females that date men just for a shag, meanwhile the guys are heartbroken and depressed because they were in love. There are plenty of females that are no longer looking for love, but just looking for a good time. As well as there are now more males looking for love, rather than just ( LOL :kinkyfruit: LOL
a good time LOL :err: LOL) . Times are changing. There are now more women than before that see men as sexual objects, and nothing more.
My personal experience- I have several male friends. Some have openly admitted that they wanted to mess around, some have admitted they never saw me that way, and some are gay. I have made the mistake of dating male friends and then trying to stay just friends. It almost never works out. Once you mess around or just proclaim attraction to the other person- things can not be the same, someone will be pining away for the other.
I do think men and women can be friends and nothing more. Plenty of my male friends are not attracted to me that way, and I am not attracted to them either. It works.