Board Restored to 27/02


Staff member
After yesterday's problems the posts table of this board is restored to my last backup.

No users were lost in this restoration though, so noone will need to re-signup.

Sorry about the downtime, restoring the backups took longer than expected.

That means that Cyrus will start the spammin' from hell again
Has anyone been in touch with Frester or has he tried making contact :?

:shock: What reason would he have to do such a thing :shock:

Maybe someone else was using his details and he knows nothing about this :?

Or am I clutching at straws here :|
rockin_plumber said:
Has anyone been in touch with Frester or has he tried making contact :?

:shock: What reason would he have to do such a thing :shock:

Maybe someone else was using his details and he knows nothing about this :?

Or am I clutching at straws here :|

That's what I'm thinking. Maybe it was one of his kids, or someone who was at his house...I dunno... :?
MaidenMadness said:
i knew that. i just didn't want to say that aloud

All of his privelleges have been permanently removed , unless he contacts us directly soon we will have consider a ban for his actions
Manowar said:
All of his privelleges have been permanently removed , unless he contacts us directly soon we will have consider a ban for his actions

If its true its what he deserves :|
Manowar said:
All of his privelleges have been permanently removed , unless he contacts us directly soon we will have consider a ban for his actions

maybe the deleting was a work of al 'quaida

omg frester is a muslim relegious fanatic terrorist
Actually frester still has member access to the board.

He just lost mod access. There's no point in banning him, since it doesnt achieve much.