best all time song (Peice Of Mind)

fave Peice Of Mind song

  • Where Eagles Dare

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  • Revelations

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  • Flight Of Icarus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Die With Your Boots On

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Trooper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Still Life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quest For Fire

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  • Sun And Steel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • To Tame A Land

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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afraidtoshooteddie said:
Bocky. As you know I am not looking forward to this tour. For the first time in my life I am not looking forward to seeing Iron maiden.
Your argument is flawed.
As you said, it is the AMOLAD tour, fine, but as in the past you could guarantee that if you didn't like the new album, you could still go to the show sit through 4 0r 5 songs you don't like and then enjoy the rest of the show. At least they mixed the songs in a bit so the Paying fans were kept interested (Seventh tour, all but 2 songs off new album played, but mixed up with olod songs). This time If you don't like the new album you are fucked, At least for the first hour or so. Well, at least the bar in the arena will do some good trade. :roll:
Then you go on about doing research into the new album before buying tickets. :roll: :roll: The tickets (for Europe at least) went on sale WELL before the album was released. So I had a choice, Buy my tickets blind and hope for the best ( Since everyone was hyping the album I thought this would be quite a safe option). Or wait until the album comes out listen to it a few times then hunt for tickets if I like the album only to find that the only ones left are going for double the face value from some tout wanker on Ebay.
I personally feel cheated.
Like the dude said elsewhere, Maiden were supposed to be 'cutting edge' and 'still relevant', they just seem to be copying everyone else now. (Dio, Slayer, Pink Floyd, Dream theater, )Clutching at straws, Whats next? Hire Bob Rock and release an album of Acoustic covers??!!
I'm sure it would sell anyway.

At least when Blaze was in the band they had to make an effort to please the fans. :|

Fair comments Fraidy, i hadn't thought about that, and you're right about the tickets as well i guess. It must be a real shitter, as you say, if you've bought the tickets and then discovered you don't like the new album, its too late by then :|

I suppose its not as easy for me to be objective as i do like the new album. And i can imagine if i didn't like the new material or feel overly familiar with it, then its possible i wouln't enjoy the show as much.

Its such a pity that this issue has really divided the views of fans. I think its sad when people feel let down by a band they love. I don't think i could go as far as saying "that's it, i've had it with this band" which is the impression i get from Dave29.

Especially after the Blaze years, where i have to say i originally thought the material was weeker. Looking back at that point and now realising how much i really like the X Factor i feel i was a little premature in deciding the band had slid down the slippery slope to early retirement.

I feel the band have really pulled things out of the bag recently and i'm excited about it. But having read your post i can see what your saying matey, you've raised some issues i ignored there.

I hope you are going to go to the show Fraidy, it'd be a shame if you didn't :( . I know a lot of us have strong opinions about this album and about Maidens stance on playing it live, its a pity some fans just wont enjoy it as much and feel let down :|
Bockaaarck said:
Fair comments Fraidy, i hadn't thought about that, and you're right about the tickets as well i guess. It must be a real shitter, as you say, if you've bought the tickets and then discovered you don't like the new album, its too late by then :|

I suppose its not as easy for me to be objective as i do like the new album. And i can imagine if i didn't like the new material or feel overly familiar with it, then its possible i wouln't enjoy the show as much.

Its such a pity that this issue has really divided the views of fans. I think its sad when people feel let down by a band they love. I don't think i could go as far as saying "that's it, i've had it with this band" which is the impression i get from Dave29.

Especially after the Blaze years, where i have to say i originally thought the material was weeker. Looking back at that point and now realising how much i really like the X Factor i feel i was a little premature in deciding the band had slid down the slippery slope to early retirement.

I feel the band have really pulled things out of the bag recently and i'm excited about it. But having read your post i can see what your saying matey, you've raised some issues i ignored there.

I hope you are going to go to the show Fraidy, it'd be a shame if you didn't :( . I know a lot of us have strong opinions about this album and about Maidens stance on playing it live, its a pity some fans just wont enjoy it as much and feel let down :|

No sweat buddy. I'm still going to the shows. (Bruce air, Cardiff, poss Dublin). I'm just really concerned that the tour will suck. I hope not, but I've never seen Maiden get so many bad comments about their shows.
I got tix for Cardiff then spent in excess of 500 notes for Bruce air (Not to mention having to get another passport cause i lost my old one). It would really bring me down if I didn't enjoy the show. :(
But I'm Maiden 4 life, as the hommies on the street would say :err: .
I have the maiden tattoo's to prove it, and I'm not about to get laser surgery over one album/tour. LOL

Are we gonna get in trouble now for being off topic? :err:
Well thanks for the replies and I knew I was going to get ripped for my opinions.
btw Im not lazy but I dont have time to read about every band I go see before I go and I usually buy the cd first but the new cd just came out in Canada and I have been really busy lately so I havent heard it yet.
Istill disagree with the concept of playing the whole cd live, a few songs sure but not the first 70 or 75 minutes of your whole show !!!!
I went to hear and see a Maiden concert !!!!!!!!!!
I am not sick of the old classics because Maiden doesnt tour near where I live that often so I dont see them every year.
I am a concert veteran and I dont think I can remember any other band doing this except maybe Pink Floyd or a new band who only has 1 album in their catalogue to draw from.
Its like Maiden thinks they are Pink Floyd part 2 , hey lets write a whole cd about a war that happened 60 years ago and play it in its entirety at our shows !! copying Pink Floyd is not what Maiden should even try to do.
ALso its hard to research this tour when it just started in North America
! and I tried to research it but Maidens website and this one are out of date on the info, mostly 2005 tour pics and setlists etc....
I stand by my opinion that this tour is a joke and a mess and I wouldnt go see Maiden again unless its free and they are playing some Maiden songs from the whole catalogue not just 2006....
Dave29 said:
ALso its hard to research this tour when it just started in North America
! and I tried to research it but Maidens website and this one are out of date on the info, mostly 2005 tour pics and setlists etc........

The tour started October the 4th I think....
And thats when pics and the setlist would have been posted anywhere :err:

Unless anyone posted tour pics b4 it started :shock: :shock: :shock:
After reading your post again I say again I shouldn't have to do research or write a 100 page essay on what songs IRON MAIDEN might play at their concerts I would assume they will play IRON MAIDEN songs not just the new cd which in my book isnt even the original IRON MAIDEN anymore....
Apparently the smallish crowd of 11,000 or so agreed mostly with me because that is all we heard in the washrooms and walking out was EVERYONE was disappointed to not hear hardly any of the classic songs before 75 minutes or so into the show?
People were actually sleeping and going to the lobby to hang out during the Matter Of Life & Death set....not kidding...
so next time Maiden can blame themselves when they only sell 8 or 9,000 seats in a 20,000 seat arena that they used to sell out !!!!

Bockaaarck said:
Dave29 said:
Wont matter to me they wont get my money any more after last night...
the sad thing is I told my wife it would be a great show and yeah of course they will play all the great older songs she loves, it was her first time seeing them....not mine but hers and both of our last times .....
they can kiss my ass as far as Im concerned I dont pay $75.00 each to test their new cd for them, I can buy it for $14 I like to hear songs for a year os so before I hear them live for the first time....couldnt even understand the words Bruce was singing anyway...the best performance of the night was Hallowed....could have been a great show all I have now are bad memories of a once great band .....

Well its a shame you're dissapointed and its a real pity that for you and your wife there weren't really any of the older classic tracks.

But lets look at some details surrounding this tour and what you've said.

The band have just released their new album "A Matter Of Life Or Death", the details are all over the bands website, from where you could possibly have got an indication that they may play a selection (4-5 tracks say) from the new album. They were bound to play at least 4-5 tracks from it, they always do from a new album. An example of that would be the Dance Of Death tour, where they played a good selection of material from the new album.

So you could have, or "should" have assumed that they would play a significant number of tracks from the new album. And the tour is happening because they have a new album out, so it stands to reason that new material is being played. As a fan of the album you of course bought the new album when it was released. You wanted to make sure you checked out the new material and got familiar with it like any fan would before the tour arrived so that you would be familiar with the material when it was played...........or maybe you didn't do those things, like a fan of the band would do :|

Well you spent a lot of money on the tickets because you really wanted to see the band live, knowing of course that after you'd done some research, there was going to be some new material played. I say after having done some research because if i'm going to pay out a substantial amount of money i like to have a rough idea of what i'm getting. You know, like buying the new album and having an idea of what some of it sounds like.

That way i could decide if i liked it and then decide if i wanted to go to see the tour.I would think "I'm not so sure i like this album" or i would think "i love this new album, its great" and that would influence my decision on going to see the tour. Because i would "assume", if i was a reasonably minded human being and a fan of the band that "THEY MIGHT PLAY SOMETHING FROM THE NEW ALBUM !!!!"

And then i'd perhaps have a look at "Maiden Fans" or maybe Blabbermouth or any other number of sites to have a look to see what the impression was of what they may be playing on the tour was going to be, or maybe even join a board to see what the set list was, just to check and see what they intended to play. Then i'd be fairly informed and it would be up to me if i took the risk and bought 2 gig tickets knowing or "assuming" that i had a rough idea of what the set might be.

Then i'd go to the gig, or choose not to, having made sure i was "informed" and knowing i had at least "made some effort" to know what the state of play was before i went. Lets "assume" i made the decision to go the gig, i would stand there and enjoy the music and perhaps after Bruce made and announcement about the fact they were playing the whole album i'd be surprised and a little excited......but not dissapointed.

I mean for gods sake, how long have you been a fan ? (since 1981 for me, so a good number of years). I'd be there thinking "actually do i really want to hear "Run To The Hills", "The Trooper" and bloody "Wrathchild" i don't actually". Mainly because great as they are, its bloody boring hearing them all the time at a live gig, and i've been to a i'd actually end up being excited and happy they were going to, or had played the enitre new album live.

So that's the way i'd approach it and i appreciate that of course perhaps we would approach things in a slightly different way. But i will say one thing i wouldn't have done, i wouldn't have......."...told my wife it would be a great show and yeah of course they will play all the great older songs she loves...". Why would you do that when you had no idea what they were going to play??? Unless of course you were in the band, part of the tour crew or even the management. Why would you "assume" what the band was going to play live on stage??? Unless of course you'd done some of the things that i had done, bought the new album, done a little bit of research etc before i bought the tickets?

I can't understand why, if you are willing to spend a lot of "$" on going to see a band live, which i "assume" you like, why you wouldn't have made some effort like i did and do some research. And then if you had decided to go and see the band that you went accepting they may well play a selection of material from the new album or indeed do a whole gig playing entirely the new album!!!

I'm afriad you cannot blame the band for your lack of enjoyment. You only have yourself to blame, i feel sorry for your wife more than you. Especially knowing that you were too lazy to make any affort and that she "assumed" you knew what you were talking about, when in reality all you'd done is assumed "you" knew what you were talking about.

As i said at the begining its a shame you didn't enjoy the show. Its a pity that your wife didn't enjoy it, i "assume" that is the case. However i think you'll find after having done the "Give Me Ed" tour and the "Early Days Tour" recently that Maiden may do a tour of the "Powerslave" "Somewhere In Time" etc etc material in the next couple of years, maybe 2008/2009. Perhaps you will decide to go and see them then and enjoy them playing "classic" tracks live, i know i will go and see them.

But i might just do some research before i buy the tickets......
rockin_plumber said:
The tour started October the 4th I think....
And thats when pics and the setlist would have been posted anywhere :err:

Unless anyone posted tour pics b4 it started :shock: :shock: :shock:

Hidden User....
I am talkin to a hidden user :shock: :shock: :shock:
They dont exist
I feel unclean now :shock: :shock: :shock:

whatever thats only 6 or 7 shows before the one I went to ,anyway I have a life outside of the internet I love music not so much reading about bands and worrying if they will play their really good music at a concert not just the new watered stuff, lets face it like any other band Maidens best cd's are behind them not the new stuff ....
ALso dont believe what you read all the time and Maiden's site is wrong saying they sold out in Toronto !! what a lie, there was just over 11.000 people there and it seats almost 20,000 for a time expect much less after that disappointment of a show...
they should call this tour Pink Floyd part 2 the war years part 2.....

rockin_plumber said:
The tour started October the 4th I think....
And thats when pics and the setlist would have been posted anywhere :err:

Unless anyone posted tour pics b4 it started :shock: :shock: :shock:
Dave29 said:
whatever thats only 6 or 7 shows before the one I went to ,anyway I have a life outside of the internet I love music not so much reading about bands and worrying if they will play their really good music at a concert not just the new watered stuff....

Its was 12 whole days :roll:
How long would it have taken to look :?
10/15 minutes :?
The you coulda disposed of ur tix elsewhere maybe :?
I dunno :?
Good points and lets remember change is ok but if a band changes too much they might forget who they are and turn their musical direction way off track.
I want to hear a mix of older newer and everything in between not sit and listen to all new material for 75 minutes that was boring....even if I like a cd do I really go to a concert to hear just that cd all in a row? no not me....
mix it up and keep it fun....
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Bocky. As you know I am not looking forward to this tour. For the first time in my life I am not looking forward to seeing Iron maiden.
Your argument is flawed.
As you said, it is the AMOLAD tour, fine, but as in the past you could guarantee that if you didn't like the new album, you could still go to the show sit through 4 0r 5 songs you don't like and then enjoy the rest of the show. At least they mixed the songs in a bit so the Paying fans were kept interested (Seventh tour, all but 2 songs off new album played, but mixed up with olod songs). This time If you don't like the new album you are fucked, At least for the first hour or so. Well, at least the bar in the arena will do some good trade. :roll:
Then you go on about doing research into the new album before buying tickets. :roll: :roll: The tickets (for Europe at least) went on sale WELL before the album was released. So I had a choice, Buy my tickets blind and hope for the best ( Since everyone was hyping the album I thought this would be quite a safe option). Or wait until the album comes out listen to it a few times then hunt for tickets if I like the album only to find that the only ones left are going for double the face value from some tout wanker on Ebay.
I personally feel cheated.
Like the dude said elsewhere, Maiden were supposed to be 'cutting edge' and 'still relevant', they just seem to be copying everyone else now. (Dio, Slayer, Pink Floyd, Dream theater, )Clutching at straws, Whats next? Hire Bob Rock and release an album of Acoustic covers??!!
I'm sure it would sell anyway.

At least when Blaze was in the band they had to make an effort to please the fans. :|
Dave29 said:
............ALso dont believe what you read all the time and Maiden's site is wrong saying they sold out in Toronto !! what a lie, there was just over 11.000 people there and it seats almost 20,000 for a concert.....

Extract from Rods tour diary for Toronto..... :roll:

It has pretty well always been great for us here and we always enjoy
coming - great audiences, a great label - and once again about 11,000
gave us a terrific reception. It certainly seems that by far the majority
really appreciate us playing the whole new album. Hope so anyway!!

© 2006

:oops: sorry
Dave29 said:
Good points and lets remember change is ok but if a band changes too much they might forget who they are and turn their musical direction way off track.
I want to hear a mix of older newer and everything in between not sit and listen to all new material for 75 minutes that was boring....even if I like a cd do I really go to a concert to hear just that cd all in a row? no not me....
mix it up and keep it fun....

Firstly let me apologise to you Dave29, i did king of go off "half-cocked", i'm sorry.

It is a pity you and your wife didn't enjoy the show, and must have been gutting when the show was an hour in and your thinking "hang on a minute.....when are they going to play something with a bit of history to it..."

I can imagine having spent a load of cash that you'd think "well that was a pile of sh1t..." Not simply because they played new material but because they played over 70 minutes of new material without leaving any room for tracks or tunes you might have been looking forward to.

Well you're entitled to your opinion and fair play to you for saying your piece. I am excited about getting to hear the new material live so my judgement of the set list is probably biased, which doesn't make a good starting point for an open minded response to your post.

Once again i apologise for the way i slated you, that was uncalled for and out of order.

Hey no problem I was kind of harsh in my posts so I guess I really was upset about it...
You know what song was in my head the next morning when I woke up?
Hallowed Be Thy Name....I couldnt stop re playing it in my head and I did enjoy the last half hour or so of the show and I do appreciate the band and their great stage show, the only complaint I have is really the setlist and a bit of sound trouble with hearing Bruces voice , not sure if it was audio trouble or if he was losing it a bit, anyway I just feel ripped off a bit that I might never see them again and my wife probably wont either, and we didnt get to hear some of the great tracks I partied with for the last 25 years of my life, I am an older fan too....
First time I saw Maiden was Number of The Beast tour in Toronto at Massey Hall which seats about 2500 or so....great show great memories....
anyway cheers...maybe Ill get over it I dont know yet
I just cant get past it not wanting to hear track 7 or 8 of a new cd instead of Number Of The Beast or The Trooper...sorry....
Bockaaarck said:
Firstly let me apologise to you Dave29, i did king of go off "half-cocked", i'm sorry.

It is a pity you and your wife didn't enjoy the show, and must have been gutting when the show was an hour in and your thinking "hang on a minute.....when are they going to play something with a bit of history to it..."

I can imagine having spent a load of cash that you'd think "well that was a pile of sh1t..." Not simply because they played new material but because they played over 70 minutes of new material without leaving any room for tracks or tunes you might have been looking forward to.

Well you're entitled to your opinion and fair play to you for saying your piece. I am excited about getting to hear the new material live so my judgement of the set list is probably biased, which doesn't make a good starting point for an open minded response to your post.

Once again i apologise for the way i slated you, that was uncalled for and out of order.

Frenchy said:
I think Dave29 should write his posts after the text quote and not before :err:


Don't worry about him Dave29, he is French after all :err:


Still love ya Frenchy :D
I like botn revelations and still life but I will go for Still life but I was wandering something can anybody tell me what he says at the start..."ha ci ha no siye c eh sur.. oh ci ano burp hmph hmph" lol"
Futureal1125 said:
I like botn revelations and still life but I will go for Still life but I was wandering something can anybody tell me what he says at the start..."ha ci ha no siye c eh sur.. oh ci ano burp hmph hmph" lol"

"What ho! said the thing with the three bonces, don't meddle with things you don't understand"

Basically Nicko's "piss take" of Idi Amin's explanation for half his cabinet vanishing. They were suppossedly beamed up by aliens, or so he said, rather than Idi having them dragged off and shot because they didn't agree with him.

So there you go, that give's you a rough idea of what he said and what its about :)