40,000 post!

..........And it was only just over a month ago we managed 30,000 here :banana:

10,000 a month.............. is that good or bad :?
rockin_plumber said:
..........And it was only just over a month ago we managed 30,000 here :banana:

10,000 a month.............. is that good or bad :?
well IMBB has 30700 posts(maiden talk only) with the first post being on 05-10-2004 12:58 PM by the skunk

and the first reply being 05-10-2004 at 01:01 PM by MaidenMadness :D (yes that's me i made the first post on new imbb after skunk(but she's leads the forum so she doesn't count))

so i guess we aren't so addicted to this place as we think we are.
Yes but on average there are 4 or five BB'ers here at any one time....

Maybe Just one at a lot of the times :|

On the other BB you are looking at 40 or 50 BB'ers at any one time
(just plucked that figure from nowhere :P )

I reckin the IMBB will probably make about 40,000 this month in maiden talk :D

And as they have at least ten times the amount of users on at any
one time compared to this board then...............
In theory they should be making close to 100,000 a month by my

And they aint, so perhaps we are addicted :roll:
rockin_plumber said:
Yes but on average there are 4 or five BB'ers here at any one time....

Maybe Just one at a lot of the times :|

On the other BB you are looking at 40 or 50 BB'ers at any one time
(just plucked that figure from nowhere :P )

I reckin the IMBB will probably make about 40,000 this month in maiden talk :D

And as they have at least ten times the amount of users on at any
one time compared to this board then...............
In theory they should be making close to 100,000 a month by my

And they aint, so perhaps we are addicted :roll:
yes but more users-more users that don't post often than here :P

look that 30000 posts is held mostly by a very small abont of ppl that have a lot of posts while the majority of others have very little compared to them
rockin_plumber said:
I think we need input from our leader on this one............[/color][/size]

I'm not led by anyone. :P

If you, as participant, don't think it's good, then that's bad sign.
rockin_plumber said:
I think it is good, I was just asking other opinions :D

If you don't think you have wasted your precious time by posting here, well, that's only important. :D
rockin_plumber said:
A plumbers time is always precious :P
yes that explains why you have to wait for a couple of days until plumber comes when you need him bad.......there should be murphy law abt that
BoBo said:
What do you think?

I have no objection to 10,000 posts a month, since General Chat fills the role it always has. Ideally there'd be more active users over here, but I'm pretty content with how things are right now.

That reminds me, must take the backup from last month..