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  1. Jon

    Brothers!! :x

    Thats how it is with little brothers. (from my experience at least..) However, when your older you'll realise it was just all part of growing up with siblings, and it adds to your bond with them. I'm sure Manowar could tell the other side of this.. LOL
  2. Jon

    New rule regarding signatures

    i dont know, i wasnt too bothered in the first place. i guess if its no good, someone will edit it.
  3. Jon

    New rule regarding signatures

    Wow, a new rule I didnt know about.. Seems like a good idea, I hadnt noticed any problems with the sigs previously, but if they exist, then this is an ok rule. I'd suggest something along the lines of 468x60 or 3 lines of text is more appropriate as a limit though. Noting the OR there however...
  4. Jon


    I like breaking my own rules ? LOL
  5. Jon


    I removed the link in your post to comply with the linking rules here: I have to be fair in enforcing the rules for everyone, so I'm sure you understand. If you could remove the link in your sig as well, and keep it to the website button as...
  6. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    Its the closest thing to unique. Although the double brackets could be extended to include the city, as it would put the city into the URL along with the date and venue. Might be worth considering now, while there arent hundreds of records.
  7. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    Maiden World Live! Status Update: There are 253 pages that are probably legitimate content pages. There have been a total of 4708 page views, and 710 page edits since the wiki was setup. That comes to 0.61 average edits per page, and 6.63 views per edit. Lifted from...
  8. Jon

    Star thingies

    No stars: Normal User 3 Stars: Senior Member (Automatically issued at 666 posts) 4 Stars: Contributor (Given to people who spend a significant amount of time & effort improving Maiden World Live! with information and resources) 5 Stars: Board Staff 5 Stars + text: Site Admin (Me & Manowar)...
  9. Jon

    bed time

    I'd say good night, but the odds of me going to sleep before dawn are quite low LOL
  10. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    Its done. While I was at it, I figured I'd add star rankings for the various categories, so I have... 3 stars: Senior Member (automatically issued at 666 posts) 4 stars: Contributor (manually set as appropriate) 5 stars: Staff (applies only when you're a member of the staff group) 5 stars...
  11. Jon

    September 11th

    Freedom of speech is the freedom for someone to say something you dont like. There'd be no need to protect people's rights to say things you want to hear. At the end of the day, MaidenMadness has his opinion, and everyone else has theirs. On an issue like this, either side are unlikely to...
  12. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    Wow.. I'd been tracking the RSS feed over the weekend, and seeing the massive amount of changes/additions you'd been making, but I never thought you'd achieved all of that... I'm totally stunned. Your contributions are a great example to set for others. You're already a mod, so i dont really...
  13. Jon

    Maiden World Live Preview

    Just to note, filling in the commment field , even if it is just stating the obvious, like "Frequency Analysis of 2003-11-04 London, England" is appreciated. Mainly because it means the Image: pages make a little bit more sense. Not something thats worth going back and putting right, but...
  14. Jon

    Now reading.....

    Nah, I can pick my title. "Administrative Monkey" isnt exactly the standard phpBB one :)
  15. Jon

    Now reading.....

    Nah, you cant edit post count, its calculated based on how many posts are in the database at that time with you set as the author, that really was my 666th post. Now my postcount isn't 666 though.. LOL
  16. Jon

    Now reading.....

    Heh, thats what I thought at the start. Now i find myself trying to CTRL+Click when using windows PC's. (Control-Clicking on Mac is the equivalent of right click, although the OS is designed not to require many right clicks).
  17. Jon

    Now reading.....

    Yes, Apple are great. This is coming from someone who owns an iPod, uses iTunes and sometimes works on Manowar's iBook. I definitely like Apple's stuff too much. Although I'm posting this from my desktop PC running Windows LOL
  18. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    If you get that message, try going to again. What happens is sometimes a ?PHPSESID= tag ends up on the end of the url, which breaks things quite a lot. Going back willr remove the tag and fix the problem. I'd thought that was only affecting me, I'll have to...
  19. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    Yeah, the software it uses will hate characters like # ? = + % £ & in usernames, because it generates pages for users and uses the addresses of them for various purposes.
  20. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live! Alphabetical order.