Maiden World Live Preview

That is concert list and bootlegs are part of concert information. They will be below general information. That means bootlegs from same concert will be on one page. Both audio and video.
One after each other. We will see how we will divide them. Just put "Bootleg Information 1", "Bootleg Information 2", ... for now.
adding screen shots to dvd bootlegs listings

when listing dvd bootlegs is there a way to put a screenshot we can give an idea of the quality/ angle its shot at?
Re: adding screen shots to dvd bootlegs listings

babyzak said:
when listing dvd bootlegs is there a way to put a screenshot we can give an idea of the quality/ angle its shot at?

Yes, of course. Just like frequency analysis image.

Save image to the file. Name it like this SS_2003_10_27_Milano_DVD.jpg. (SS = screen shot, FA = freq. analysis, BS = bootleg sample, ... ).

Go to Upload File. Click on Browse and select file. You don't have to write comment because first two characters will tell us what it is. Check I affirm that the copyright ... and click on button Upload File. You can use image as:


To align show it as thumbnail, align it to the left side and to put text after image directly bellow the image use this (i'm using same source for freq. analysis images):

[[Image:SS_2003_10_27_Milano_DVD.jpg|left|thumb|The Trooper @ 00:54:15]]
<br style="clear:both;" />
Just to note, filling in the commment field , even if it is just stating the obvious, like "Frequency Analysis of 2003-11-04 London, England" is appreciated. Mainly because it means the Image: pages make a little bit more sense.

Not something thats worth going back and putting right, but perhaps worth bearing in mind. Although thats just my :2c:....
Other bootlegs and compilations

The Section :Other bootlegs and compilations..would that be for like
MAIDEN Digitized and THE Head Bangers Ball shows?
Hmmm ...

I think we should write about VHS and DVD releases only. Other formats are mostly VHS/DVD transfer. Only if original is not VHS or DVD we could add info about it.

it was asked "Develop a layout for Bootlegs that allows multiple video and audio bootlegs on the same page." Check out 2003-10-27 Filaforum and see if this will be an ok way of doing it. This way you can get a quick glance at the differnet versions . then fill in each as normal. i think it 's a good way..but I 'm biased..i came up with the idea.. let the powers that be let me know if i can continue this way
I like This Idea

Ok I do like this idea i came up with...Multiple listings so i made a working example of it (under concerts ..file says test for bobo or jon)..if you don't like it delete it..but i think it will work
Hmmmm ....

It could be done both ways. Everything on one page or links to the separate pages for each bootleg.

There are advantages and disadvantages for each solution. One page is easier to read, compare and maintain, but it's long. Separage pages look nicer, but there are too many links, have to click many times to get all info, have to open 2-3 windows to compare different bootlegs.

We already talked about it. Cases like Milano are common only for the last two tours. 95% of the concerts with bootlegs don't have more then one bootleg. That's why I would prefer simpler version with all stuff on one page. You can easly see difference when info is divided with one horizontal line (after "Bootleg Information"). We can always change it in the future if we are not satisfied (20 people x 10 bootlegs/day ... it will be finished in a week).

We will use separate pages for photos. There would be too much for download with all thumbnails on one page.

Others can give us their opinon .....
looks good, i'll give it a try and we'll see what I'm going to mess up

EDIT: Do i need to register for that? my forum password and user id don't work