Star thingies

No stars: Normal User
3 Stars: Senior Member (Automatically issued at 666 posts)
4 Stars: Contributor (Given to people who spend a significant amount of time & effort improving Maiden World Live! with information and resources)
5 Stars: Board Staff
5 Stars + text: Site Admin (Me & Manowar)

I hope that makes it pretty clear. Obviously the 5 star ratings are pretty much impossible to get unless you already have that status. The 3 & 4 are pretty straightforward rewards for users who choose to spend time at Maiden World and contribute.

Comments welcome.
Jon said:
No stars: Normal User
3 Stars: Senior Member (Automatically issued at 666 posts)
4 Stars: Contributor (Given to people who spend a significant amount of time & effort improving Maiden World Live! with information and resources)
5 Stars: Board Staff
5 Stars + text: Site Admin (Me & Manowar)

I hope that makes it pretty clear. Obviously the 5 star ratings are pretty much impossible to get unless you already have that status. The 3 & 4 are pretty straightforward rewards for users who choose to spend time at Maiden World and contribute.

Comments welcome.

rockin_plumber said:
It would still make 25%.............

Unless he makes a special 10 star rating :shock:
and why not add some info to mw live world instead when you've got time and get the extra start for free :?
MaidenMadness said:
and why not add some info to mw live world instead when you've got time and get the extra start for free :?

I barely have time to read and post here now :(

Its here or there and I chose here 8)