:banana: :banana: :banana:Frenchy said:Kids are at the house for a while now :banana: :banana: :banana:
Remind Killy to come say hello to us :wink:
and totally fill the board like he did last time :err: LOL
:banana: :banana: :banana:Frenchy said:Kids are at the house for a while now :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana:MaidenMadness said:today plumbers fixed the broken pipe so i can once again use the toilet in the big bathroom which is much closer to my room
wicker nomad said:Got the house to myself today :banana: :banana:
I've had a very quick tidy up...think I might just sit here til the kids come home :err:
I like lazy daysafraidtoshooteddie said::banana: Lazy day :banana:
I got Fraidy Jr. with me. He doesn't have pre-school on Thursdays. 8)
wicker nomad said:I like lazy days8)
What are the fraidy boys up to today? Any news from sixxy?
afraidtoshooteddie said:NOt up to much really.Not heard from Sixxy yet. I'm not sure what time her flight Gets/got in. But it's 8hour behind us in LA so it's still the wee small hours there.
afraidtoshooteddie said:Just got off the phone to Sixxy :banana: She's having a blinding time in Hollywood.
Spent the weekend going out to places like The Rainbow bar and grill, The Cathouse, and of course The Whiskey-a-go-go.
She's also been to a couple of other gigs and a Strip club.
And now I'm a jealous bastard.
Ben said:My new kicks should arrive this afternoon :banana:
16:47 Monday, July 17, 2006 Goods collected
20:36 Monday, July 17, 2006 On route to delivery branch
05:32 Tuesday, July 18, 2006 Arrived at Delivery Branch
07:14 Tuesday, July 18, 2006 Goods loaded onto a van
How awesome is that?!
Online tracking rules 8) ..or am I the only one who gets a bit excited :err:
That makes our grotty little town sound nice! LOLafraidtoshooteddie said:Spoke to Sixxy again last night. She was just getting on the plane so she should be home sometime this afternoon :banana:
She was saying that some parts of hollywood are so scummy, that to get to the 7/11 store you have to out-run the cockroaches on the sidewalk :shock:
afraidtoshooteddie said:Spoke to Sixxy again last night. She was just getting on the plane so she should be home sometime this afternoon :banana:
She was saying that some parts of hollywood are so scummy, that to get to the 7/11 store you have to out-run the cockroaches on the sidewalk :shock:
wicker nomad said:Forgot to say yesterday!...Education authority guy came for his 2nd visit since Luke's been home schooled. I was shitting myself :err: No need thoughHe was happy with what i'm doing...won't be back for a year now
:banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana:wicker nomad said:Forgot to say yesterday!...Education authority guy came for his 2nd visit since Luke's been home schooled. I was shitting myself :err: No need thoughHe was happy with what i'm doing...won't be back for a year now
:banana: :banana:
Ben said:New Portnoy DVD out at the end of the year 8) :banana: :banana: