which famous person would you like to see in a maiden video?

Tony Hawk...but not skateboarding. and of course this bloke:

ricky gervais and anne robinson would be good too.
stokedasagoat said:
Tony Hawk...but not skateboarding. and of course this bloke:

ricky gervais and anne robinson would be good too.

LOL LOL LOL They've got to have the "Tog-Meister" in a video, but only as long as they have "The Mid Herts Meistro", "Deadly Alan-coat" and "Boggy Marsh" as well
how about ozzy osbourne for maiden video...............gets killed by eddie in the end :D don't get me wrong i love ozzy.....but i don't uderstand a fuckin thing he's saying...it sounds like rarararararararahatarara jack rararararararararararararararararara fuckin ararararararararararrararararrararararrarararrara kelly rarararararrarararrarararrararararrararrarararrararrarararrararrarararrarararrararararrararararararra

do you english ppl have trouble understanding him? :?
Christina in a Maiden video, getting Dirrrty, Nicko gurning and Bruce swinging his arms about like a madman LOL LOL