What game are you playing right now..

twilightsglow said:
Chrono Trigger on Playstation! :D I wish they had included the anime scenes on the SNES version.
i've got the snes version
is the PS version any good, some say it was a pile of shite :|
manic said:
i've got the snes version
is the PS version any good, some say it was a pile of shite :|
I have both versions 8)

I like it. It's almost the same exact thing as the original, but with the anime scenes, and a couple of sound effects are different. The thing I hate are the loading times. :x
MaidenMadness said:
use a pc for playing games and such problems shan't be encountered :P
no :P
i prefer my XBOX and i've completed Halo now anyway :cry: next i'm gonna finish Brute Force and Unreal Championship then Alien Vs predator Extinction then san andreas
that should be just in time for christmas :D
manic said:
no :P
i prefer my XBOX and i've completed Halo now anyway :cry: next i'm gonna finish Brute Force and Unreal Championship then Alien Vs predator Extinction then san andreas
that should be just in time for christmas :D

PC for games :shock:

No way........... keep that for the consoles...........

I agree with manic here :shock:
now i must disagree
the comp is good for stratiegic games like C&C and diablo and stuff like that but when you play medal of honour on it it rocks because the mouse makes it alot easier to target stff
manic said:
now i must disagree
the comp is good for stratiegic games like C&C and diablo and stuff like that but when you play medal of honour on it it rocks because the mouse makes it alot easier to target stff

I have a mouse for the PS2 :?

Games fuk up ur PC if you ask me :|
rockin_plumber said:
I have a mouse for the PS2 :?

Games fuk up ur PC if you ask me :|
yes they do fuck up PCs cus they're crap
my mac have never been infected with vuruses, never ran out of space, never had to be rebooted, never had a thing wrong with it and i've got tons of shit on it :D
Nothing....Gamecube controllers are broken... :cry:
Bro won't let me play S2 'cause I'm getting one for Christmas :cry:
Iron Monster said:
How could you ever brake a GC controller :?
well...the first (official) one I had got all dirty inside...
and I got a cheapy one from Toys 'R' Us :err:
I never knew I was breaking it, but when you wind the wire around the controller, it started to break, I never noticed until the wire fell off, that's hree I've went through, I aint wasting my money on another! :x